Chapter: 39 Fighting with a goddess!

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"This elemental shadow core is for you Enzo!" He gave the shadow core to Enzo.

"This shadow core is the element of darkness and negativity. It represents the mysteries of life and death that we cannot fully comprehend! Take it and It will help you to level up your summoning capability."

"Thank you so much sir!" Enzo is very happy to what he got.

"And for you Zian.. you can chose between elemental flower core and earth core."

Name: Elemental flower core

Note: It represents the cycles of life and the power of nature to regenerate.

PS: Flower is the element of healing and regeneration.

Name: Elemental earth core

Note: Earth is the foundation of life and represents stability, grounding, and support.

PS: Earth It is element of life and stability.

Zian have a hard time to chose, coz both of the elemental cores have a good effects.

"I'm gonna chose the elemental flower core sir!" Zian decided to choose the flower core in the end.

When all of them got their elemental cores, Kyle move like he gonna put back the earth core again to his sub space, but before he can do that, Angelica stopped him from picking up the earth core.

Enzo saw it and he panicked.

"Oi snotty brat! what the heck are you doing?! don't be rude to sir!" Enzo said while confused because of the suddenly rude behavior of Angelica.

"Are you willing to show up now?" Kyle suddenly said .

"Give me this earth core!" Angelica rudely said to him.

Kyle smiled then he released a strong killing intent that makes Enzo and the others down to their knees.

Its hard for them to move and breath.. they felt like that there is a very scary predator in front of them that gonna kill them soon.

Kyle's blood lust and killing intent is much stronger than before because of lots of killing he done in his past two lives.

"What kind of thick face you have...give me a reason why should i give it to you?" Kyle said while looking at her fiercely.

Angelica also staring at him then a while later she said..

"What do you want in return? i will exchange it to this earth core."

Kyle stopped releasing his killing intent that's why Enzo and the others can move and breath normally again.

" You stupid brat! why you talk to sir rudely? do you want to die?!" Enzo is really angry this time.. he regretted that he brought Angelica in celestial realm.

"Sir! i'm really sorry! i don't know why she is suddenly acting rudely.. i will take her out now."

Kyle gave him a sign to stop, so Enzo don't have a choice to stop.

"You are asking me if what do i want in return? well it's simple! sign a subordinate contract with me!"

"Me signing a subordinate contract with you?"

"You heard it clearly.. i want you to be my subordinate.. by the way i'm not talking about the brat! i'm talking about you goddess Gaia!" Kyle said lazily.

Gaia suddenly used the controller ability to manipulate Kyle's mind but she got startled when it bounced back.

So she don't have a choice than to attack him using a divine power even though it will hurt the small body of Angelica..

She released lots of small divine swords and attacked Kyle with it..

Enzo and the others are all dumbstruck to what they are witnessing right now so they are still sitting motionless like an idiot.

"What the three of you still doing? get away from here! Kyle said while evading the small swords.

The things in the living room are all ruined because of the swords.

They all back to their senses and rushed to run far away from the two people fighting.

Kyle used gluttony to devour the small swords that attacking him.

"Is that all you can do?" Kyle said while trying to provoke Gaia.

"You jerk bastard!!" Gaia is really mad this time.. so she used a time space warp to move them into a different place.

Kyle and the others appeared in a desolate place.. the place is really barren but full of ferocious monsters and beast.

The time that they appeared, the monsters and beast that roaming near them started to attacked them.

Enzo summon his skeletons and took out his big chopping knife that he got from the beast gang kitchen.

"I really need to have a decent weapon.." he said to himself while looking at his pathetic knife.

Zian and Brad started to kill the monsters and beast that attacking them.

Brad used his gigantification ability and turned into a giant.

He smashed the monsters using only pure brute force, while Zian used his ability Puppeteer to control some monsters to fight for him.

Kyle took out his dagger and started to warm up himself by killing the monsters and beast near him.


Strength level up +1

Agility level up +1

Stamina level up +2

Strength level up +1

Agility level up +2

Stamina level up +1

Lots of pop up windows appeared while he is killing the monsters.

He decided to summon Aki and his other skeletons to gain more stats points.

"Oi Gaia! did you turned into a chicken that's why you are hiding now and used these bunch of weak chickens to fight for you?" Kyle said while grinning.

"Well this is good for my warm up! but im so disappointed on you! if you are a coward chicken i don't need you to be my subordinate anymore!"

Gaia can't stand anymore his provocation so she showed up in the sky and attacked Kyle with all her might.

"You bastard!! i will not stop until i kill you!" she angrily said to Kyle.

She can't exert all of her power because she is not in her own body, but she thought her power now will be enough to kill Kyle.

She released lots of divine small swords towards Kyle.. but this time it doubles the amount than earlier.

"Let see if you can stand this attack!"

Kyle is still calm while countering the divine small swords.

He used his ability blink to evade the swords and smashed some of it using his dagger covered with lightning, but because there are lots of divine swords attacking him, some swords penetrated his defense and wounded him.

Thanks to his regeneration ability it healed instantly.

Those divine swords that he evaded killed all the monsters and beast near them, so lots of monsters and beast corpses everywhere.

Enzo and the others decided to moved far away from them so that they will not be affected by their fight.