Chapter:60 Wrath of the 7 deadly sins

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It's been a while already since Kyle and Pepperochino35 chat ended, and Kyle still sitting on the couch massaging his forehead.

He got startled at first when Pepperochino35 told him about the celestial pavilion that he has in the lower half realm of Murim.

But Pepperochino35 explained to him how he knows that he owns it.

Sugarplum_Pwincess told him before that their products catches the eyes of the powerful people from the upper half realm.

No wonder if Pepperochino35 also knows about it.

It's not easy for the people from lower half realm to ascend in the upper half realm... the people from upper half realm also can't go back easily in the lower half realm because of the power restrictions unless they have some means to do it.

Most of them used some of their lackeys and gave them something to lower their cultivation level so that they will not be kick out in the lower half realm because of the power restrictions.

Most of them used very valuable artifacts just to overcome the power restrictions.

Their products are all high quality and potent so lots of buyers bought it every day, and because of that lots of people that already in the pinnacle of the lower half realm ascended in the upper half realm because of their potions and elixirs.

That's how important and valuable their products are.. and because of that Sugarplum_Pwincess experienced lots of assassination attempts.

Luckily the celestial pavilion building that he bought from the system have a strong barrier that even the strongest cultivator can't break it.

Pepperochino35 told him that he heard about the magical potions and elixirs that the celestial pavilion in the lower half realm selling and got curious.

He spent a large amount of money to get an artifacts that can lower the cultivation level temporarily and sent his lackeys in the lower half realm to buy the potions and elixirs.

When he saw the potions and elixirs, he was surprised because the glass bottles that used for the potions and elixirs are all the products of their merchant shop.

And the design of those glass bottles are all unique designs that their merchant group owns, and he only sell those in the trading system.

But because he has a contract with Kyle, all those glass bottles only sold to Kyle.

So he knows already that the celestial pavilion from the lower half realm owns by Kyle.

Kyle can feel thru his instinct that Pepperochino35 is a honest merchant.

So to what Pepperochino35 said earlier to him about being a partnership to create a 2nd celestial pavilion in the upper realm he let Sugarplum_Pwincess to decide.

He told to Pepperochino35 that he can talk about it with Sugarplum_Pwincess because she is the one managing the celestial pavilion in the murim realm.

He told to Sugarplum_Pwincess about the offer and he let the two of them talk about it.

He also sent another batch of potions and elixirs to Sugarplum_Pwincess aside from the batch that he sent earlier incase Pepperochino35 and SugarPlum_Pwincess close an agreement.

Pepperochino35 still gave him the count down timer even though there is no agreement yet.

He also gave the modern clock with a timer as a gift to Pepperochino35.

Now that he done what it needs to be done.. he can start now his seclusion without worries.

Kyle wants to absorb the power orb that he got from Erebus, last time he only absorbed a small portion of it so this time he plans to absorb it completely.

He called Kyro and told him that he gonna start his seclusion today.

"Kyro i'm gonna start my seclusion today.. i will leave Noir to you again!" Kyle said while patting Kyro's head.

"Don't worry brother, i will take good care of Noir." Kyro said with a big grin on his face.

"Put this also in the mission hall!" Kyle gave the count down timer to Kyro.

"Tell to everyone that this count down timer is the timer if how long the gates will appear on earth."

"Brother, is earth really gonna be destroy if the gates open?"

"You don't like the earth to be destroy?"

Kyro didn't say anything.. he actually has a mix emotions about it.

After Kyro left, he went to the cabin to start his 5 months seclusion.

While sitting he took out the apple crystals that he got from the system before and eat it first.. it will help him to strengthen his body and mind.

Then he started to absorb the power orb.

Meanwhile, Wrath of the seven sins arrived in country P international airport.

"Hehehe.. you sonnovovitch! i'm here now to hunt you down!" Wrath mumbled to himself.

In the exit area Wrath saw a sexy woman in her 40's holding a placard with his Wrath symbol drawing on it.

Wrath walked towards her and the woman greeted him.

"Welcome to country P my lord."

"So you are our contact here in country P huh!" Wrath said while looking at her.

"Yes my lord! our service is waiting for us outside.. let me guide you there."

Wrath followed her and they both enter the car.

"What's your name?" Wrath asked while looking at her sexy body.

Even though she is in her 40's already and has 2 kids, her body figure is still in proportion.

"You can call me Eva my lord."

"So Eva, where are we going now?"

"I'm gonna bring you my lord first to our secret base." Eva replied politely.

Wrath didn't say anything after that, the only thing on his mind now is to hunt down and kill the person who killed Envy.

Although they are only avatars of the real 7 deadly sins of devildom, but here on earth he can't accept the fact that there is someone stronger than them that not belong to finis mundi cult.

Then months had past since Wrath came to country P, he and Eva tried their best to gather information and locate the person who infiltrated the Beast gang HQ that killed Envy and all the members of the beast gang.

But to their dismay, it's like they are finding a needle in the haystack.

They can't find any clues about it.

No one saw about what happened that time... there are no any witnesses even though the beast gang base is located in the slum area that lots of people living there.

No one noticed also that something happened already in the beast gang HQ, until weeks then months had past that the people there in the slum didn't see any members of the beast gang.

It's like all the members of the beast gang vanished into thin air.

Because of that, Wrath became more and more irritated and impatience that frightened their workers.

In the past months...Kyle is still inside the cabin absorbing the power orb and didn't know that lots of things happened inside and outside of the realm.

He didn't know that in the past months, Kyro, Noir and Sniper along with Erica flipped every historical and undiscovered ruins even some secret tombs upside down.