Chapter 28: Rescuing Roman part 2

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Enzo decided to interrogate one of the members of the beast gang to

find out where did they hide Roman..

"Where did you hide brother Roman?"

"I don't know....."

"Until the end.. you don't want to talk?!"

"I really don't know!.. i'm telling the truth! i don't know who's that

Roman your talking about!!"

"He is the one your gang captured!"

"We captured lots of people...i don't know who is he there!"

"Your beast gang is really rotten!! where did you put the captives?"

"If i tell you.. you will not kill me?"

"It depends on my mood so say it now! or else i will tell my skeletons

to eat you!"

"Promise me first that you will not kill me!"

"My patience is running thin here! my summons kill him!"

"Wai...wait...!!! i will tell now please don't kill me!"

"Say it! where did you hide the captives?"

"They are in the cell in the basement!"

"How can i get there?"

"At the very end of the corridor.. you will find a black door, that's the

door going to the basement."

"Are you telling the truth?!"

"I'm telling the truth!! please have mercy!! don't kill me!"

"Sir told me that don't show any mercy towards the beast

in your next life chose to be a good person."

His skeleton slashed the man.. then he summon it and put it inside his

reserved space.

Meanwhile on the other side of the building... Kyle is enjoying his

killing frenzy.. normal people is really not his opponent, so he can kill

them faster than his expected even though they have fire arms.

Then suddenly he saw a bazooka type weapon aimed and fired

towards him...

He wants to dodge it but when he saw how big the weapon is...he

choose to use his gluttony to devour the impact.

The impact was strong, if he dodge it the building will collapse.

"That's a nice weapon you have! if i dodge earlier this building will

collapse! but unfortunately its no effect on me!"

"Waa.. what are you? what is that thing earlier?!!"

"From the way you dress it looks like you are not a small fry! are you

Black tiger?"

"What do you want!! why are you killing my members!"

Black tiger said while frightened by what he saw earlier.

"I'm here to eradicate your gang!"

"Why are you doing this?! who command you?"

"You don't have the rights to ask a question here! I'm the only one

who will ask some questions and the only thing you need to do is