Chapter: 59 Count down timer

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After Gaia returned to the gods realm, Kyle checked his trading system.. it's been a long time since the last time he checked his insta chat.

He saw the chat of Sugarplum_Pwincess and read it.

Sugarplum_Pwincess: Boss, we are almost out of stock again.. and i sent already your share this month.

Lot's of people coming to our shop everyday that the stocks are not enough even though you add lots of stocks last time, so Boss maybe you can add some more stocks and new products this time.

Specially if you have rare treasures, elixirs or potions that we can put for auction.

Oh i almost forgot to tell you Boss that lots of assassination attempt been happening to me but they can't infiltrate the pavilion so they are using my people to threatened me.

But i have lots of money now so i can hire powerful body guards to protect my people hehehe.. so don't worry about me.

After Kyle read the message he replied to it immediately.

dark_raven13: Ok, i will send another batch of goods today.. i will add also some rare products that you can put for auction.

I will be in a seclusion for almost half a year so i will also send in advance the stocks for the next 6 months.

Kyle sent lots of potions and elixirs this time, he also added some products that they can put in the auction like cellphone and portable games with solar power bank.

Sugarplum_Pwincess: Thank you Boss... good luck also to your seclusion : )

After that he also saw the message of Pepperochino35.

Pepperochino35: Hello my friend, i just want to tell you that i have an unknown product here that i want to sell to you if you are interested.

My plan is to put it in the trading system but i don't know why when i look at it, i suddenly remember you.

So i decided to ask you first before i put it in the trading system.

Message me if you are interested.

Kyle saw that the message was sent 4 days ago, so he replied Immediately to Pepperochino35.

dark_raven13: My friend i just saw your message today.. my insta chat notification is disabled so i didn't know that you message me.

I want to know if what kind of unknown product are you offering to me.

A while later.. Pepperochino35 replied to his message.

Pepperochino35: My friend i thought you are not interested coz you are not replying.. luckily i didn't put yet the product in the trading system.

dark_raven13: Sorry about that. May i know the origin of that thing? where did you found it?

Pepperochino35: When we are renovating my house, My people accidentally found a hidden catacomb under the land where my house is located.

We secured my place immediately after that so that no one can know about it!

When we exploring the catacomb, there are lots of traps that killed lots of my men, i almost died also but at least we found lots of treasures and gold.

In the end of the catacomb we saw a majestic coffin.

I thought there is a corpse of someone inside but when we opened it we saw that no corpse inside only that unknown thing.

No one saw that kind of thing before.. and no one knows how to use it.. i'm thinking if i'm gonna add it to my collection or if i'm gonna put it in the trading system.

But i don't know why every time i look at it, i always remember you.. weird right?

dark_raven13: Yah, you are right.. maybe that thing have connection to me..

Pepperochino35: Hahaha I also dreamed that i'm selling it to you.

Kyle is much curious now, he knows that Pepperochino35 is a honest merchant and will not scam him.

dark_raven13: may i see that unknown thing?

Pepperochino35: Sure!

Then Pepperochino35 showed to him thru insta chat image the looks of the unknown thing.

Kyle was taken aback when he saw what it looks like.

"What the... its a digital countdown timer!"

Pepperochino35: This weird thing has a mysterious writings that changes every time, do you have any idea what is this thing is?

Kyle saw that the timer has a days, hours, minutes and seconds in it.

"604 days? little Jup do you know about this timer?" Kyle asked.

"You need to get this countdown timer in any cost!" the system said.

"So you know something about that timer?"

"It's the countdown timer if when the gates gonna appeared on earth."

"What?! are you sure little Jup?"

"Yes!" the system said.

"Holy molly! how come it appeared there in another realm?"

"I'm not sure! but you need to get it no matter what!"

Kyle calm himself then he replied to Pepperochino35.

dark_raven13: I don't know how it appeared over there in your realm but it's a digital countdown timer.

Pepperochino35: Digital countdown timer? what is that?

dark_raven13: It's a clock that showing days and time and it's a common thing in earth.

I have a solar digital clock here that similar to that, if you want i will give this to you and i will also pay for that timer.

Pepperochino35: If you already have like this one, may i know why are you still want this thing?

Kyle is very careful to what he gonna reply to Pepperochino35, he don't like to elaborate more about his reasons and he don't like to tell about the gates.

He didn't know yet who will be the allies and the foes so he needs to be careful.

dark_raven13: I'm just curious and wants to examine it.

Pepperochino35: i see..

dark_raven13: Do you still want to sell it to me?

Pepperochino35: Yes.. i have a strong feeling that this unknown thing is not for me to keep.

dark_raven13: How much for that countdown timer?

Pepperochino35: Actually i don't need trading crystals, if it's ok i want to ask some favor.

Kyle think for a while then he replied.

dark_raven13: What kind of favor? as long that its not beyond my capabilities i will do it.

Pepperochino35: I know that you are an alchemist, so my favor is that be my trading partner.

dark_raven13: Trading partner? do you plan to open a shop there in your realm?

Pepperochino35: I already have a shop here but i want to make it much bigger like the celestial pavilion in the lower half realm.

Kyle got startled to what Pepperochino35 said in his message.