Chapter: 44 Concocting a pill

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After Arthur left.. he also called his summon Aki to give him some instructions and to check also his power growth. He noticed before they left the desolate place that Aki and the rest of his summons aura changed.

Aki appeared in front of him immediately and bowed.

He checked Aki's status window and saw that all of his stats are nearly 100.

Name: Aki

Race: Skeleton[Upgradable]

Job: Magic knight

Power Level: 94 [A]

Talent: Excellent

Stats: Strength: 93

Stamina: 92

Death energy: 95

Agility: 92

Ability: God slasher [S]

"Wow! for a short period of time.. Aki's stats are all nearly 100! i wonder if all my summons are all like this. "

He is not sure if his power growth influenced his summons but whether its true or not.. this is a good news for him.

The more his summons become stronger the better.

"Aki, tell to the other summons that are farming that put lots of different kinds of herbs plants and fruits inside this space ring and bring it to me in the cabin later."

He needs lots of different kinds of ingredients to make different kinds of elixirs.

He can actually buy some elixirs in the trading system but he wants to make it using his knowledge as an alchemist before. He wants to know if his talent for alchemy is already rusted or still useable.

After he gave the instructions, he went to the cabin and wait for Aki to send the space ring with materials he need before he start.

While waiting, he also checked his status window to know his growth after he absorbed the small portion of the power orb that the mysterious shadow gave him.

"Erebus!" Kyle said while remembering the scene where he was vanishing in that room and he asked the name of the mysterious shadow.

In his past life, before he died there is no Erebus showed up so he didn't know his existence.. he didn't know if he only showed up after he died but in this life he met him unexpectedly.

"So your name is Erebus huh!.. i don't know why you are helping me this much but i will assure you that before we meet again, i will be much more powerful than i was now." he murmured to himself then look at his status window.

Trader Name: Kyle [Owner of celestial draconic realm]

Titles: Merchant to the bones, Over spender, The Reviver, Protégé nurturer.

Job: [accessible]

Power Level: 100 [A]

Talent: Transcendent

Trading Realm Level: 3

Trading Crystals: 140 M

Trading Points: 100

Faith points[Divine power]: 37

Stats: Strength: 100/100

Stamina: 100/100

Death energy: 100/100

Agility: 100/100

Abilities: Eyes of Argus [SS], Blink [S], Beelzebub [SSS], Subspace [A],

Super Bolts [S], Regeneration [C], Calling of the dead [A], Shadow world [A], Memory reader [C].

Equipment: Magic gun [E], Mask [C].

"My power level and stats are all 100 now! as i expected, i reached the 100 power limit.. but what are these letters? and there is also this talent that its not here before! i also noticed that Aki's status window also have these letters and talent.

Even in the past, there are no letters or talent like that in the status window so he is very curious now and asked the system about it.

"Little Jup, what are these letters and talent that appeared in the status window?"

"Those letters are what we called class ranking! the rank ranges from F the lowest and SSS the highest! And about the talent, it determines your natural aptitude or skills. It also ranges from Super trash, Trash, Ordinary, Medium, Excellent, Top tier and transcendent."

"So i have a transcendent talent! as i expected i'm really awesome!" he boastfully said.

"I wonder if what is the talent level of Kyro and Noir."

Then he saw that his job is already accessible, lots of things happened so he forgot about it.

" Lets see if what job i can get!"

He clicked the Job and a big pop up window appeared in front of him, it is saying that he needs to put his both hands on the two hand prints located in the middle of the window and released his power energy to its limit.

He followed the instructions and put his both hands on the hand prints, then suddenly a bright light spread out across the room.

Buzz.. Buzz. Buzz..

Surging of power energy enveloped Kyle, he tried his best to released every bit of his power so a huge amount of energy released and its aura spread out across the entire realm.

Kyro, Noir and the others felt the sudden burst of aura and powerful energy that comes from the cabin. All of the people inside the realm even not an awakener yet can also feel the strange energy in the surroundings that makes them anxious and scared.

A while later, Kyle stopped releasing his energy and waited for the system to determine his job.

"Analyzing on process...."

"Analyzing Complete"

"The system found out that the host power energy, talent and abilities are all beyond comprehension!"

"The result will be modify"

"Finalizing complete!"

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring the job Jack of all trades [All rounder]"

Job Name: Jack of all trades [All rounder]

Note: You can master different kinds of jobs.

PS: You need to master the job to perfection before it will appear in your job slots.

"Hahaha... this job is really OP! i'm super awesome!" he said while laughing like a lunatic.

Then Aki appeared in front of him and gave him the space ring with lots of materials that he asked.

After that he took out the space ring that Erebus gave him and took out different kinds of herbs that listed on the scroll.

Luckily the herbs that he needs are all inside the space ring.

He will concoct the pill that can break the 100 power limit, and some elixirs that he knows in this 3 days of seclusion.

In the past, he tried to look into the trading system if there is a potions or elixirs that can break the 100 power limit, but unfortunately he can't find it.

He also tried to look into the exclusive trading system but the system also don't have it. The system told him that there is no consumer of that kind of elixir so no one make it.

Even when he had the scroll recipe for the elixir that can break the limit, the ingredients are hard to find and only some of it are in the exclusive trading system, so it took him a few years to complete the ingredients.

Its understandable, coz only people born on earth have that kind of limit.. he look at the scroll and scan again the ingredients that he needs.

When he is sure that he has everything already, he started to concoct the pills.