Chapter: 49 Finis Mundi Spy

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Kyle walked towards the two captives and Roman also followed him.

In front of the two trembling captives, Roman asked Kyle.

"Kyle, what these two people done to you?"

But before Kyle can answer Roman's question, the bidder number 05 started to speak.

"What are you gonna do with me? do you know who i am?"

Kyle took out a folder inside his subspace and started to read it.

"Hmm.. lets see.. your name is Rumualdo Santiago, 53 years old multi millionaire business man and owned one of the biggest mobile and computer company in country P and some other countries oversees called 'High-tech wire'. You have 1 wife and 3 mistresses, you also have 2 children from your wife and 4 children from you 3 mistresses. Is this information enough?"

"You.. what do you want from me! do you perhaps gonna ask for a ransom money that's why you kidnapped me?" Rumualdo is scared to death already because of what he witnessed earlier.

"Actually, i don't need something from you at first, you just unlucky because of your assistant here!" then Kyle glanced at the person beside Rumualdo.

Kyle noticed that the assistant is very scared and anxious.

"Are you anxious coz you can't send a message and your location to your spy comrades?" Kyle asked to the assistant.

"I don't know what your talking about! do you know that kidnapping is against the law? release us at once!"

Kyle punched him on the face and gave him a sharp glare.

Kyle knows that even he tortured to death this person, he will not say the information he needs.

Memory reader is not useable also coz finis mundi spies and members have a soul imprint on their soul, that even you can undo the imprint, some souls will explode after you undo the imprint or the memories will be erased.

The soul imprint on their souls are very tricky and complicated that's why its very hard to get some information to them unless he do some other methods.

Then he suddenly remembered Roman status window earlier.. he saw that Roman's job tittle is Inquisitor.

"Brother Roman, can i ask for your help?" Kyle look at Roman and noticed that he was glaring to the assistant.

"Brother Roman is there something wrong?" Kyle curiously asked.

"Kyle.. this person! i will not forget his f*cking face!" His anger and killing intent surges while glaring to the assistant.

"I didn't noticed earlier because he looks kind a different now because of the short beard and haggard look, but now that i can look at him closer.. i will not forget that face!"

"Do you know him brother Roman?"

"Kyle.. he is the person who took one of my eyes and gave it to their leader to used it as a trophy!"

Kyle was shocked to what Roman said to him.. he can't believed that they captured one of the culprits who tortured Roman.

Luck is really on his side.. he was just about to ask Roman for help to interrogate this spy.

"Brother Roman, this person is a spy of a cult group called finis mundi. They are a big cult organization who sacrificing human beings to make them their offerings to the demon they served."

Roman is still quiet and didn't say anything, he is just listening so Kyle continue to speak.

"You also became one of those people that turned into a sacrificial lamb. When i rescued you that time.. i saw you on the altar table."

The assistant heard what Kyle said,.. he is now really sure that this person who is glaring at him with strong killing intent is the same person whom they sacrificed at the Beast gang HQ sacrificial altar.

When he saw the familiar look of Roman walking towards Marie earlier, he was really shock.. how come he looks like the person they sacrificed more than a week ago.

"What they want to achieved by doing this?" Roman asked calmly.

"They want to create chaos of course.. and to help the monsters from the other realm to invade the earth by forcefully opening the gate. I will explain it all to you later."

The assistant glanced at Kyle while listening to their conversation.. he was surprised that Kyle knows a lot about their organization.

"Why this person knows a lot about the cult mission!.. is there someone betraying the cult? no.. it's impossible.. we all have a soul imprint that will crush our souls the moment we betrayed the cult. But how come he knows too much!?" he said to himself.

He also can't understand why Roman is still alive in front of him.

He saw how the life forced of Roman got sucked out that time so its really impossible to survive. Furthermore, they make sure that the ritual is successful.

Then the scene earlier when Roman turned into a very scary monster appeared in his memory that frightened him to the core.

He really needs to scape, but he didn't know why he can't send a help signal or a warning message even he tried many times.

"Kyle.. what do you want to do with him?" Roman asked to Kyle.

"Actually brother Roman, i need some information from him.. but it will be difficult because there is a soul imprint on his soul.

Unless we do some other methods or technique."

"Can you give him to me? i have an unfinished business with him!" Don't worry i will try my best to erase the imprint and squeeze every bit of the information i can gather from him."

Kyle smiled and tapped Roman's shoulder.

"His all yours!"

Like what happened to Marie, Roman recited again the ancient words and the creepy atmosphere return again.

Blop.. Blop..

The blood pool appeared on the floor with the bloody hands showing up from it.

The assistant saw what happened to Marie earlier, so he is really scared now that his tears and snot combined.

Rumualdo fainted when he saw the bloody hands crawling on his assistant's body.

"Aaaaahh.." the terrified scream of Rumualdo's assistant can be heard inside the basement.

After the assistant got devoured by the blood pool, he called Aki and told him to instruct Enzo's skeletons to guard Rumualdo.

"What you gonna do with this one?" Roman asked to Kyle.

"He still has a purpose, so i will let Zian to turn him into his puppet. Let's go upstairs now, i have something to say to you."