Chapter: 51 Limit breaker pill

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After he fed the trio, Kyle went to the Farming garden to check the situation.

The farming garden is much more wider now compared to the last time he saw it.

He also saw that the skeletons are very enthusiastic about what they are doing, so he plan to visit some other graves someday to summon more skeletons to help the first batch of skeletons in farming.

Then after that Kyle went to the warehouse where they stored the different kinds of herbs, fruits and vegies that they've collected.

The warehouse is like a space ring, inside of it have a huge space that can store lots of things and it will not decay.

He was satisfied when he saw that they already have a huge harvest stored inside the warehouse.

After that Kyle used his spare time to break his 100 power limit.

He went to the cabin again to break through.

Kyle took out the pill from his subspace and stared at it for a while, he remembered that when he made the pill before, he can't think of any fancy name to call it so he decided to just called it limit breaker pill.

He prepared himself mentally first before he eat the pill.

After a while, Kyle ate the pill and he started to feel something different that he can't explain.

"This sh*t feeling that i will never forget! this is the second time already but i can't get used to it!" Kyle said while looking at his glowing body.

Then suddenly.. he felt a terrible pain from all over his body.

"Here it comes!!!"


He felt that all of his bones broke and his intestines twisted.. he sweated too much and its hard for him to breath properly because of the pain.

The cabin have a sound barrier so when he screamed so loud because of the pain, no one heard it.

A while later, the pain subsided and he can breath properly again.

"Damn! i don't like to do this again!"

There are a smelly gooey black thing came out from all over his body, so he knew that he already broke the 100 power limit wall.


Congratulation to the host for being the first person breaking the 100 power limit!

You will get the title The limit breaker!


Congratulation to the host for being the first person breaking the 100 power limit!

Rewards: 2 trading points.


Congratulation to the host for being the first person breaking the 100 power limit!

Rewards: Unholy Dark dagger (Hatred of the fallen) [S]


Congratulation to the host for being the first person breaking the 100 power limit!

Rewards: Lightning pool.

"My rewards this time are different from the past.. that time i let Kyro to break through first so i got a little rewards."

He opened his status window to check the changes.

Trader Name: Kyle [Owner of celestial draconic realm]

Titles: Merchant to the bones, Over spender, The Reviver, Protégé nurturer, The limit breaker.