Chapter: 40 Mysterious ruins

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"Enzo.. who's that kid you brought? why is she fighting sir?" Zian asked.

Enzo really have a headache because of this..

"She is the kid i saved...i didn't know she will be like this!"

"Well,.. the best way we can do now is not to be a burden to sir while he is fighting that kid!" Brad said to them while returning to his original form.

Feeling helpless Enzo don't have a choice than to watch them afar.

Gaia is really furious when he saw that Kyle is still alive, she really need to end the battle soon because Angelica's body can't handle anymore her strong soul.

So she unleashed her final trump card to end the battle.

All the small swords combined and became a giant sword.. the surroundings tremble and a huge power surges instantly.

"I can't believed that he pushed me to used one of my ultimate move judgement sword!"

For now this is the most powerful move she can do while using other's body.

She know that Angelica's young body can't handle the pressure of this power but she don't have a choice.. even if she sacrifice Angelica so be it! she really want to kill Kyle no matter what!!

"Die!! you jerk!!!"

Then she threw the huge divine sword towards Kyle.

Kyle on the other hand.. is still calm outside but inside he is cursing already.

"Sh*t! i didn't know that she will use a powerful move like this!.. little Jup help me here!! or else i will die for sure!"

"The host is still weak to handle this move...even you use your gluttony there is only 5 percent that you will succeed!"

"Little Jup... tell me something i don't know! i'm not ready to die here yet!"

The judgement sword comes nearer already.. he tried to evade it using blink but it's following him.. the power pressure that the giant sword emitting makes his skin melt.

"Little Jup! i'm gonna die here! do something!"

"The host can use the gluttony...but as i said earlier, you only have 5 percent of winning."

Kyle don't have a choice than to use his gluttony...he needs to gamble even though the winning is only 5 percent.

So he used his gluttony to counter the giant sword.

His skin is melting already.. and he didn't know how long he can counter the attack.

"If i don't want to die, i need to devour this giant sword!"

Kyle is struggling and already to his limit... but he don't want to give up.. it's still early for him to die.

"Hahahaha... you jerk! lets see if you don't die now! you have a guts to provoked a god huh!!" Gaia said while mocking him.

The heavy pressure from the judgement sword also affecting the surroundings...Enzo and the others are also have a hard time because of it.

Brad turned into a giant again and block the pressure from the sword.

"Is this really my end? Kyle can't hold it anymore.. the skin and meat on his arm is already gone and only bones left.. even with his regeneration ability its still not enough..

The judgement sword is too powerful for him...

When he already reach his limit and thought he was going to die.. a bright light flashed suddenly and his surroundings changed.