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"You are so fucking impatient it's driving me mental." Orla told Paul as he bounced his knee up and down in the car. Paul chuckled softly, a grin on his face.

"Just want to proudly hold my wife in front of crowds full of people." Paul grinned.

"Are you sure that you actually want to be public?" She starts but Paul stops her.

"You're the mother of three of my fucking kids and my wife." He tells her, insinuating the idea of keeping private now was stupid.

"I'm just trying to say, are you not worried that people will be cunts about us."

"If they are, then fuck them. I want to spend as much time as i humanly can before i leave for New York with you." He tells her before kissing her forehead, a kiss to the neck could leave a mark, he doesn't want to distract away from her.

They have a few dozen photos taken before progressing to the interview side of the carpet. Paul was mid conversation with a journalist when Orla made her way over. "Hi." She grinned as she approached, Paul turned to see her and smiled warmly.

The interviewer, a woman in her mid twenties smiled at them "That leads me on to my next question actually, How are you finding being parents again?"

Paul chuckles softly. "Good yeah, The kids are really well behaved, Polly's about three months old now, which is nuts. She's already grown so much." Orla nods along with him, not wanting to intrude too much. The interviwer notices the ring on Orla's hand.

"Are you two engaged?" The interviewer gasped.

"Married actually. It was a small ceremony with our family and a select few of our friends there."

After the interview Paul and Orla were quickly hurried inside the event, Orla watched with a wide grin as Paul presented someone with an award and held his hand when he sat back down next to her.

Paul held Orla's hand tightly as Emma Mackey and Jack O'Connell listed off the nominees. "I'm so nervous " Orla whispered to Paul who quickly kissed her forehead before the camera spanned to her.

"And the winner is." All five nominees that were in attendance held their breaths.

"Orla Finneran."

Orla gasped as Molly and Paul cheered and hugged her. "Go get your award." Paul chuckled softly. Orla realised they were waiting for her and quickly hurried to the stage.

Once she made her way onto the stage Emma and Jack hugged her. "I feel like im going to be sick." She muttered, Emma smoothed her back softly "You'll be fine," Emma assured her.

Orla stood herself in front of the podium, a massive smile on her face

"Oh my god, Thank you so, so much to everyone that voted for me, and everyone at BAFTA, I'm so happy that you love my work enough to support me in this way. I want to thank the love of my life Paul and our three beautiful babies, my mother, my sisters, my dad. I love you all so much, I want to thank my friends who are watching this together, Im so thankful to have all of you. I want to thank the other nominees too, you all inspire me so muc.  Thank you Molly for letting me tell this wonderful story and being the best director ever. Thank you to my team and everyone who worked on How to Have Sex, I love you all, so much Thank you."

Orla went to the back stage section and was hurried to a photoshoot installment, she was also handed paperwork, after one of the assistants explained the reasoning she quickly wrote her signature and went to get her photos taken. After having her photos taken she spotted Paul who had been lead down to the section by one of the dozens of assistants.

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