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Orla woke up to her phone ringing, she answered it and saw Paul's face. "Hi." She greeted her throat hoarse. "You alright?" He asked "There's a bug going around at Ivy's school, she was sick all over their carpet and she's given it to me. She's been sleeping most of the day love her."  Orla explained "I'll let her sleep." Paul nodded "Yeah, she fell asleep quick after we got back home." Orla agreed "You should give her that soup you made me a while back." Paul suggested.

"I would but she won't eat leeks." Orla chuckled "Kids are so picky." He noted "Yeah they are." Orla nodded "I can't wait to be back home." He admitted  to her "Enjoy yourself, you're going to be busy when you come back, swim in the pool or something." Orla told him "Will do." He chuckled "I miss you though." He added "Miss you too." Orla smiled "Paul." A voice called. "I've gotta go. I'll ring you tomorrow." He said quickly
"Bye." She waved "Bye." He replied before hanging up.

Orla grabbed her laptop and began working on the short film again, she was finally nearing the end which felt like a massive weight lifted off of her shoulders. She had been so busy recently, with planning Ivy's birthday party, the short film and filming, she was busy constantly. She didn't know why she had agreed to edit it, co-write and produce as well as star in it. She was exhausted. That wasn't even mentioning the fact that she still had to make the poster and a trailer for it.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

wmag We spoke with actress Orla Finneran on her career in both fashion and acting, being an actress at such a young age, loss of parents and how motherhood has affected her life overall

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

wmag We spoke with actress Orla Finneran on her career in both fashion and acting, being an actress at such a young age, loss of parents and how motherhood has affected her life overall.  "Losing a parent is such a massive thing, you're usually losing someone who in your mind has always been this pillar of normalcy among your life, and losing that crushes everything you thought you knew, I was a mess after losing my father and my daughter was really a saving grace for me, another pillar of normality for me."

Photography by @yourgirlchuck
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