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AUGUST 25TH 2023

"Paul." Orla shouted up the stairs, the fourth time she'd had to do so. Unaware he was staring at his phone. "What's the matter? Have your waters broke?" He asked from up the stairs, the pitch of his raising slightly as he worried. "No, my water hasn't broken, I need you to come here." Orla exclaimed.

"You scared me." He said as he arrived at the bottom of the stairs. "I don't know why you think she's coming early." Orla shook her head at the idea, then she watched as he entered. "Nell said my mother had a strong feeling about it being early." Paul shrugged.

"We're having a girl, can you stop calling her an it." Orla asked him dryly. "Habit, Sorry." He grimaced.

"I tell you what, If you still love me in three years I'll get pregnant again." Orla teased. "I'll love you till the day I die." Paul told Orla before giving her a small kiss, guilt eating at him, his phone felt as though it would burn his hand and reveal his sins, and the blackmail esque messages he was receiving.

"You two are so in love with each-other it makes me sick." Tilly said from across the Kitchen island jokingly.

"Hello to you too Matilda." Paul greeted "Paulette." Tilly grinned. "Look, The decoration man is going to be here in a quarter of an hour, I'm getting stuff ready outside, Taron's getting the food here, all you need to do is open the door for the caterers while Orla goes and gets ready." Tilly ordered, she had a knack for controlling events, Orla did not.

"Don't I need to get ready too?" Paul questioned "Paul, I love you, but" Orla had begun.

"That's my cue to wait in the living room then." He said with a dry chuckle, turning his feet towards the living room.

"Ivy's in there, im sure she'll enjoy spending some time with you before everyone arrives." Orla said softly, Ivy had always been a Daddy's Girl.

"What's she watching? Not frozen again?" Paul let out a small groan, he detested the film."Yeah, Luckily it's the second one this time. I'm going to have to block Let it go from our Alexa." Orla nodded.

"I finally get what those mams were on about it 2013." Paul muttered, "I don't mind it." Tilly shrugged. "Listen to it fourteen times an hour you'll get sick of it." Orla told her best friend "Go and get ready, I'll try and bribe her to watch something else." Paul told Orla.

"See you in an hour." Orla said kissing his cheek before going up the stairs.

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By the time Orla was back downstairs people had already began arriving. Paul, having heard her coming down the stairs walked to the bottom steps and held his hand out for Orla to take. She took it and planted a kiss on his cheek as she arrived next to him, his beard rubbed against her chin, she used to complain about it, but now she was used to it.

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