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orlafinneran just posted on stories!

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tilly ⭐️
you've been silent for days
and i checked stories ur w him

with who?

his parents wanted me there

and ..

and what?

jess revell

im busy rn ill message u later

they defo shagged
she's deflecting

Orla turned a corner of the garden's they were visiting and noticed Ivy telling her dad about how pretty the flowers were, Orla didn't interrupt and instead watched them with a smile before Ivy noticed her mother. "Can we go and see Santa?" Ivy asked her parents, Orla looked to Paul and the two nodded which caused Ivy to clap excitedly. "I'm glad you invited me." Orla told Paul as they made their way to the fake Grotto the Garden's had set up.

Paul smiled and was about to say something when Ivy exclaimed that she saw Reindeers. "Look." Ivy urged her parents pointing towards the reindeers made out of wood. "They're gorgeous Iv." Orla replied as they joined the queue for the other kids waiting to see Santa.  After the queue had quietened down Ivy went inside the Grotto while her parents waited to the side. "Have you got a plan for getting her presents back to London? Or are they staying here?" Orla asked Paul as the thought of having Ivy upset over not being able to see a toy entered her head.

"I've paid for an extra suitcase, her things and yours should fit in there." Paul assured her "I can probably squeeze mine into mine." Orla replied.

"I'm doing a show, In London." Paul told her after a few moments "That's great, What're you doing?" Orla asked him "Streetcar."  He replied casually "I love that show." Orla nodded "You're more than welcome to come and watch if you want, Ive got an issue with my old flat though. The landlord's given me six weeks to find a new place." Paul admitted.

"You can come stay with us if you want, I'm done filming stuff for the next couple of months, and I've bought it now anyway." Orla offered "You have?" He asked "Yeah, my dad left me a bit of money and before he died, he said I should buy a house, make sure Ivy's not moving constantly and having to make new friends in different schools, So I used that and some more money from projects to put a down payment on it,  I'll pay it off within the next year or two hopefully." Orla told him.

"Thank you, I'll help you pay the bills and stuff." Paul replied "It's fine honestly." Orla assured him  "Orla." Paul began but Orla cut him off swiftly "She's coming out we can talk about this later." Orla told Paul who nodded. Ivy hurried out of the Grotto with a small Teddy bear in hand and held her father's hand as the three of them made their way towards the gift shop.

"Can we get something." Ivy asked her parents. They looked at one another agreeing to say no before looking to Ivy who gave them the biggest puppy-dog eyes she'd ever seen.

"Under 15 euro." Orla sighed which caused Ivy to smile and hurry off. "D'you think she'll stay on the limit." Paul asked her "Not at all." Orla chuckled.

After Ivy got a 20 euro chia pet penguin, Orla and Paul drove her back to Paul's parents house where his parents had already made dinner, Orla had always loved Paul's parents, they were lovely people and had welcomed her into their family lovingly and stayed in contact after she and Paul had broken up, not just for Ivy but to ensure she was doing well.

Ivy, as the only grandchild was the centre of attention which meant she was in her element. Thankfully Ivy was ready for bed by half past eight which gave Orla and Paul enough time to put her presents out on one of the settees in Paul's parents house. Once they had sorted the presents out they went upstairs, Orla got herself ready for bed and instead of going into the same room as Ivy where there was a air mattress she crept into Paul's room and got in next to him, falling asleep with her head resting on him.


hope you liked it :)
im sorry for the wait

About You ✸  Paul MescalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora