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Orla's foot anxiously tapped against the floor of the hotel room she was getting her make up done in, her mother had agreed to watch Polly and Ivy for the night, which meant Orla was taking advantage of that and had been taking sips of her Vodka and Coke while Faye was sat next to her, pregnant, and drinking a glass of Apple Juice.

"You okay there doll?" Faye asked Orla softly, ever since Paul's cheating admission, Orla had been much more reserved, bar Harry's birthday, Orla had barely been out of the house.

"I'm fine, just a bit stressed, or sad, im not really sure." She admitted. "I bought this dress thinking he'd be matching me, and then we found out Gladiator was filming again, and then I found out about him and Freya." Orla elaborated.

Faye nodded and placed a hand on Orla's arm. "I know what you mean, It's not an easy situation" Faye sympathised. "The girls look so much like him too, Polly especially, I feel like he's haunting me, which is stupid, cause he's not dead" Orla replied.

"It's not stupid, You're allowed to feel this way, he hurt you and he betrayed your trust." Faye told Orla, Orla nodded, A small part of her knew she'd end up taking him back, nobody understood her quite like Paul did, no one knew him like she did, she was sure of that if not sure of anything else.

Paul, as he would when Ivy was younger, Face-timed Ivy twice a day, he had been shown Polly by a shaken handed Ivy a few times, but Orla had never appeared on his screen, she had made sure to be busy with something whenever Paul would call, Ivy could probably sense something between them, so she had given up trying to get the two of them to talk.

"Right, that's you ready" Orla's make up artist told her, Orla thanked him before getting up from the chair and turning her head fully to see Faye. "You look gorgeous" Faye told her friend, Orla smiled softly, "So do you, now come on, let's get dressed and go"

Within the hour Orla and Faye had entered the red carpet, done a few interviews and then had hurried into the auditorium. Where Andrew Scott was sat, on exactly the same table as Orla.

To say she was anxious was an understatement, she knew Andrew and Paul had become increasingly closer as friends, and a small part of her worried that she would be subjected to questions about him, and how she was coping with the revelation, she was almost sure that he had told Andrew, she had found out from Ella that he had confessed to Daisy, India and Fionn, and from Nell that the entirety of his family already knew.

Orla sat herself down next to Molly Manning Walker, and also right next to Andrew. He hadn't noticed her at first, too occupied with his conversation with Jamie Bell, until he turned to face her, He was slightly taken aback at her presence, then his face softened. "Hiya, how are you?"

"I'm good yeah, forgot how extreme camera flashes were so my eyes are fucked but other than that good, How about yourself?" Orla chuckled softly, she felt much more relaxed once Andrew had spoke, in her panic she had forgotten how much of a calming person Andrew was.

"I'm good as well, I went to watch How to Have Sex a few weeks back, and your performance is captivating, it's so nuanced and like, you really make your character relatable to everyone, like I have no commonality to her and I sympathised with her, and saw parts of myself in her, the entire film is just so beautiful as well"

Orla's face held a wide smile. "Thank you, that's so kind, and your performance in All Of Us Strangers is brilliant as well" Orla replied, she couldn't remember the whole film, her mind had been so crowded that she'd blocked most of it out.  Andrew nodded gratefully before introducing Orla to Jamie Bell and Claire Foy, Orla had followed that up by introducing Faye, Molly and her cast mates from How to Have Sex to Andrew.

About You ✸  Paul MescalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon