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The night is deep and the moon is blazing through the dark of the night, the firefly quietly trying to find it's way to the lost home, while the cicada sings to keep it company until it reaches its destination, in the night where a lot of events were taking a place, a boy was just sleeping soundly and peacefully in his room.

The boy was so deep in sleep that he did not even hear the door of his room opening, the stranger looked at the surroundings for a moment and then diverted his attention back to the youth, sleeping on the mattress with a string of saliva on his cheek.

The stranger shrouded in the black, quietly took a few steps and crouched in front of the boy, this sleeping person was not it his dream, The person that was more beautiful then the shining moon and the moonflower, really worthy of being the General's only weakness, the stranger smiled softly and touched the boy's belly, smoothly rubbing the little belly, the stranger got a bit greedy and slowly put his lips on the boy's.

The boy at first felt a strange thing touching him but now with the touching feeling there was a feeling of being suffocated, being deeply suffocated by someone's burning  love, the boy slowly opened his eyes and saw a strange man kissing him passionately, he in panic pushed the man away and screamed.

Help, there is someone in my room.. Hyuk screamed as he took a few steps back from the mysterious man, but the man instead of backing away came closer to him.

Argggh, someone please help me, Hyuk said at the verge of tears.

Moon , calm down, it's me, it's me, your general, the man in black said as he came a little closer to Hyuk.

Ge.. General? Hyuk asked suspiciously at the man.

Hmm, it's me, I am in disguise right now, the General explained and signed Hyuk to come closer, Hyuk carefully came towards the man and looked at his face keenly for a moment before throwing himself in the General's arms.

You scared me, what are you doing here at this time, looking like that. Hyuk asked pouting as the familiar warmth wrapped around him.

I came to take you with me.. The General answered as he gave some clothes to Hyuk.

Where are you taking me,Hyuk asked looking at the  clothes.

We are going to see chilseok festival in Tanzin, he said as he started undressing Hyuk.

Okay, wait outside, I will change myself, he said jerking off the General's hand.

Why should I wait outside, I have already seen everything, let me help you, the General stated going back to undressing.

Please, I am shy, Hyuk said pouting embarrassed as he tightly held his clothes together.

Okay, fine but be fast, okay, the General said and went out of the room.

After a few moments, Hyuk came out of the room in a beautiful moon white Hanbok, looking like a young master from a very wealthy family, the General looked at him admiringly and stated.

You look beautiful moon, let's go now or we will get late, he said and looked at the Eunuch, who was standing there looking at the couple.

Take care of everything while I am away.

Yes, my Lord, the eunuch said bowing in head as he saw the couple mount the horse and leave, with a trail of dust behind them.


It was now afternoon, the sun was soaring high in the sky , the General was now walking while Hyuk was still on the horse, they had just entered the Tanzin market and were just looking around when Hyuk softly nudged the General.

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