love blinded ,rotten brained Gamja

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Vegas was walking to his house with drooped shoulders and tired face, his body was threatening him to fall any moment ,but he gathered all his energy and walked to the house .. as soon as won saw him , he got up and supported his body by hugging him...

You are really beautiful , you are really really beautiful my lord , i am not lying to you or teasing you ,you are really the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life ,please believe me... Vegas mumbled in a very low voice that won could not understand anything...

Won walked him inside the room and gave him water after drinking the water Vegas calmed down a bit..

Hyung , what happened... Won asked ...

Vegas looked at won and hugged him...

I am really tired , let's sleep...

Meanwhile ,on the other side ,in the saengtham mansion , phongsakorn was sitting on the bed with his both hands covering his face..

I have a headache , i think I should sleep now , he said to himself and closed his eyes but immediately got up again...

He stomped his feet on the ground and walked from one side of the  room to other , after doing this for a few minutes ,he stood infront of the wall ,back facing it..

Was he telling the truth or not , did he really mean it or he was just teasing me , he questioned himself..

No ,no , no ,his tears ,they were sincere, his cracked voice was pure ,his eyes were innocent ..

No ,no ,no but why would he call me beautiful when I am so ugly , even when I look at myself I know that I am ugly , he must be teasing me..

No ,why am I even thinking about him , i am going crazy , i haven't even eaten for the whole day because of this stupid thinking...

I am going to sleep now , he said as he walked to his bed and laid on it closing his eyes peacefully...

A few seconds later :-

Does he rea... really think I am beautiful ... He thought shyly and then...

Nooooooo , i must sleeeeeeeeeeppp


In the morning , phongsakorn and his subordinates were in the market again , inspecting something when one of them spoke up

Sir , why did we come here at this time ,

What do you mean , of course to do our remaining work .. phongsakorn answered...

But this early , there are only a handful of shops open right now ... The subordinate asked again...

No , i told you we have to finish this soon , go on and finish the remaining work .... He said and continued his work...

I will go there ,you two go in that direction and finish this work soon , he said going to the opposite direction of his subordinates...

He always says we should work without any haste ,then why is he like this today ... The man asked his partner...

Maybe ,he is sick , whatever let's go and finish this , the man answered and both went on with their work...

Phongsakorn was infront of a shop checking something in his papers and writing something down ..when suddenly..

My lord ,you are really beautiful.. he heard the voice of someone behind him , he turned his head around in horror and saw the suspicious nim from yesterday as he repeated..

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