I am sorry, love

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My Lord, my Lord, wake up, my Lord, phongsakorn heard a few muffled voices as he stirred in his sleep, he slowly opened his eyes ready to fight off anything and anyone but as soon as he opened his eyes he saw a worried Gamja in front of him.

My Lord, are you okay, Gamja asked as he saw phongsakorn open his eyes.

Phongsakorn sat up and was about to say something when he saw that the butler and won were also there standing quietly.

How did I come back home, phongsakorn asked.

A few villagers saw you lying unconscious on the road and took you here. The butler answered.

Village, how did they find me in the village, I was in... Phongsakorn thought getting confused..

After sometime of making sure that phongsakorn was okay the butler and won came out of the room leaving the two man alone in the room.

My Lord, how did you fall unconscious on the road, are you feeling unwell, should I get a physician to come and take a look at you.. Gamja asked again.

No, I am okay, I don't need a physician but i need to tell you something important. Phongsakorn said.

Okay, what is it my Lord, Gamja said and came towards phongsakorn rubbing his cheek softly.

It's been a few days i have been dreaming of a woman and two children and in my dreams I always hear your voices coming from that box that has diamond in it, you are always calling for me but when I try to open the box to help you the woman and her two children always make me stay away from it and when I was coming back home today while walking I was suddenly in the middle of a forest I saw the box again and this time as well the woman attacked me and threw me far away from that box and told me to stay away from it.

My Lord, I think you are still in shock because of the nightmare last night, you were not in the forest, you were found in the village. Gamja said in a soft voice to not make phongsakorn uncomfortable.

But i saw it, she threw me at a tree, some trees... Phongsakorn panicked a bit as he tried to explain.

It's okay my Lord, calm down maybe you saw a nightmare after you fell unconscious .. It's okay it happens sometimes there's no need to panic, it's okay.. Gamja hugged him and rubbed his back slowly.

Phongsakorn hugged Vegas back tightly and crawled up to sit in his lap.

Maybe it's like that but i am very scared so can i stay like this for a while. Phongsakorn asked snuggling himself in Gamja's chest.

After a while phongsakorn finally fell asleep in Gamja's lap so he slowly placed him on the bed and lay down beside him.

My Lord don't worry I will never let something happen to you, I will protect you forever. Gamja thought before hugging phongsakorn and slept.

In the middle of the night, phongsakorn jerked his shoulders as he felt a pair of hands tightly holding his two hands together, the grip was so tight that the blood circulation in his hands stopped making his hands go cold and numb, in the struggle to free his hands he opened his eyes to see what was holding him when he saw a little boy was holding his hands together the boy was same as that lady his whole body was burnt and blood was oozing from his gapping wounds, phongsakorn looked down and saw a little girl holding both his feet together while she was looking up at him, the girl was same as the boy, phongsakorn was still looking at her when he felt a breeze of cold air hit his face, confused and afraid as he was when he looked up he saw the woman floating in the air, slowly coming towards him, she stopped in front of his face and grabbed his clothes pulling him towards herself .

Throw It Away.  She said pointing towards the box.

Throw It Out Now. The woman screamed.

No, no, no, phongsakorn screamed closing his eyes wanting to wake up from the nightmare, he kept his eyes closed till he felt that his hands and legs were let loose, there was no one holding him in place anymore, the cold breeze had finally gone and everything seemed to go back to normal so phongsakorn slowly opened his eyes.

But when he opened his eyes, his eyes got filled with horror, he wanted to scream but his voice got stuck in his throat, the scene in front of him was so terrifying that he wanted to close his eyes and never open them again, phongsakorn was still in a state of shock when the woman slowly came towards him and sat infront of him, quietly wiping his tears, she said

Look at him, you are the reason for this, you made him like this, so just throw that box, throw away that box as far as possible,

The woman said looking at the body in front of them, it was Gamja, he was lying on the floor with his....... h... his throat slit open, the blood coming out of him made the whole placed red, red the colour of disaster.

Who are you, why are you doing this.. Phongsakorn screamed at the top of his voice and suddenly..

Suddenly he woke up, it was another nightmare or maybe not , phongsakorn slowly touched his cheek and felt that his whole face was drenched with tears, terrified by the nightmare he sheepishly turned around to see that Gamja was lying beside him, seeing his love sound asleep, he slowly touched his cheek with tears in his eyes and kissed his forehead.

I will be back soon love, wait for me, he said and got up from the bed quietly, after wearing his clothes, he took the box from  the almirah and grabbed a lamp before walking out on tiptoes to make sure no one wakes up.

Phongsakorn started walking towards the forest , accelerating his speed he was almost running frantically while talking to himself.

I am going to throw it away, I am going to get rid of this thing today, I will protect my Gamja, I will protect him ..

He kept repeating these words as he paced towards the forest after sometime of walking he was finally at his destination, the pond in the middle of the forest, he grabbed the box and looked at it for the last time and said.

I will not let you take him away from me, leave me alone, as he said this he threw the box in the pond.

He had just thrown the box in the pond when someone called him,

My Lord, what are you doing here, Gamja yelled from a distance running towards phongsakorn.

Phongsakorn turned around to look at Gamja and then turned back to the pond when he saw that the diamond was spinning in the air, it's colour had turned red and blood droplets were dripping from it, phongsakorn got scared and took a step back but at this time the diamond spun around in air for the last time and broke down into infinite shards and those shards pierced straight into phongsakorn's body, his eyes, face, hands and arms started bleeding and he fell down and looked at Gamja .

I am sorry love, he said before closing his eyes.


Hi lovelies, hope you like this chapter.

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Bye-Bye, take care, love you.


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