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Argh , where did he go so early in morning and didn't even tell anyone , I had to walk there with a heavy tray in my hand and come back ..so annoying , my prescious sleep ... Can't he inform someone before disappearing , Hyuk was mumbling to himself entering his room , when he saw Jin-He there folding his clothes, Hyuk looked around and saw that the room looked cleaner then ever.

Noona, why are you folding my clothes , i can do it myself .. Hyuk said sitting in front of Jin-He trying to take his clothes back.

It's okay  Hyuk , i am your big sister ,i can always do these trivial things for you , you don't need to do these things from now on , Noona will take care of everything for you , Jin-He said patting his head and continued folding his clothes.

But Noona .. you are not letting me do anything aside from serving the General , you know na I always want to help you with your work, so why are doing everything yourself. Hyuk asked.

It's nothing , tell me ,did you serve the General his breakfast. Jin-He asked changing the subject.

I did go there to serve him ,but he had already left , i don't know where he went so I had to take the breakfast back to the kitchen , oh by the way Noona ,let me tell you something .. Hyuk said.

What is it, Jin-He asked.

Hmm ,you should not listen to the rumours about the General ,they are all fake, they are very jealous of General that's why they say so many bad things about him , General is so kind that he had tears in his eyes when he heard about the rumours going on in the manor ..

What do you mean , Jin-He asked horrified .

Ahh , Noona when I told the General about the rumours , he became very sad and cried because he was very hurt..

You told the General about the rumours?

Yes ...

And the General CRIED? Jin-He asked shocked.

Yeah a lot and I had to comfort him before he actually stopped crying.. Hyuk said nodding his head.

Hyuk , tell me what was the General saying to you last night when you served him his dinner you didn't come back for a long time , Jin-He asked curiously.

Hmm ,  we were actually hu.. noona , it's time for me to play , i will be going now .. Hyuk said and ran away.

Hyuk , Hyuk tell me the whole thing first, Jin-He called but Hyuk didn't stop.

He cried , the rumours are not true , what is General trying to do with Hyuk. Jin-He thought confused.

In the afternoon :-

Hyuk served the lunch to the General and sat infront of him.

Where were you in the morning , My lord , Hyuk asked depressed.

Why , were you missing me , General asked smirking.

No , i was not , it's just that I had to wake up early in the morning and then carry a heavy tray , if you had already informed someone I would not have to do that .. Hyuk said breaking the General's dream.

I am really sorry , I didn't know my precious Hyukie had to go through so much early in the morning and carry such a heavy tray around, the General said exaggerating Hyuk's work.

Yeah , but I am quite hard working so it's okay , Hyuk said slumping backwards.

So did my Precious Hyukie have his breakfast. The General asked.

Hmm, I did  Noona gave me my breakfast in my room itself and said I don't need to go out for breakfast starting today, oh by the way she has been acting odd recently she does not let me help her or other servants in the kitchen and she even does my chores herself , she even cleaned my room , clothes , my bedding , everything.. Hyuk explained.

Hmm, but is not that a good thing ,she does your work for you so you don't need to do anything yourself ,you are free to play or come to me , right , The General said looking at Hyuk lovingly.

No , it's not , i get embarrassed whenever she does my work , i am big boy I can do all the things myself and actually I want my wife to be the only one who does my personal work for me with love. Hyuk said as his face flushed with embarrassment.

What , the General asked displeased.

Yeah , I want to marry a beautiful wife ,who I love and take care of ,she can do my work for me at home while I work and we will live happily. Hyuk said shyly.

Seriously , do you have a lover , General asked in a desperate manner.

I don't have a lover but let me tell you a secret , Hyuk said and sat in the General's lap , looking at him he said smiling,

I don't have a lover but there is a girl I really really like a lot , she works in the manor , i even gave a flower to her yesterday to impress her , she accepted it and gave me a smile ,she is soooo cutttteee , i will propose marriage to her .Hyuk said confidently.

The General took a deep breath to calm himself and snuggled his head in Hyuk's nape and said painfully.

Hyuk , i am so sad and lonely here and you are still in the mood to talk about your marriage.

No ,no don't worry , i am here ,i will never leave you alone even if I get married and have a family ,i will still be here for you , don't be sad , Hyuk said as he hugged the General tightly and kissed his forehead.

Sorry baby Hyuk but you cannot marry anyone , you are only mine , The General thought snuggling closer to Hyuk.


Tomorrow after having his Lunch , the General was sitting reading a book lazily  when the doors of the chamber suddenly burst open.

Where is she , a loud voice came in as the General looked up from his book.

Where is who , the General asked lazily.

The girl .. Hyuk asked getting closer ..

What girl , General asked again.

The girl I told you about , the girl I like , someone told me she went somewhere earlier today with other girls , where is she , please find her and take her back here , Hyuk requested holding the General's hand.

Oh that girl , i don't know Hyuk I have nothing to do with these affairs. The General said .

Please, please .. Hyuk requested pouting cutely.

Okay , let me ask my eunuch.. the General said and called his eunuch in.

Yes ,my lord ,is there something this servant can help you with , The eunuch asked with his head bowed.

Where is the girl  , wait.. the General said and looked at Hyuk

What was her name , the General asked.

It's Miri, Hyuk said with a cute pout.

Yes , where is the girl named Miri , the General asked the eunuch.

My lord , that girl was taken by her family early in the morning , since she was crying because she missed her family and wanted to get married to her lover , the eunuch said .

W...what .lll...lover.. Hyuk said with broken heart as the General signed the eunuch to get out .

It's okay Hyuk,  what can we do about it , come here , you must be heartbroken ,let me comfort you , the General said opening his arms for Hyuk .

Okay.. Hyuk said as he sat in his lap and hugged him.


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Bye-Bye ,take care , love you.


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