Gamja's only one

126 16 4

In the morning , the windows of phongsakorn's bedroom were still closed , the time was somewhere between the 10 - 10:30 a.m but he still has not woken up , he was under the blanket on his bed .

Ahhhh , phongsakorn stop thinking about it ..

Why the hell did you kiss him , how would I face him now you horny monster phongsakorn, what would he think about me now, he might be thinking I am some desperate guy who wants to get into his bed...

Into his bed..... that's not a bad idea though I want to touch him , his chest is so firm ,i want to squeeze it and his arms arms are so strong and his veiny hands are so hot...

Nooooooo ,what am I thinking I am a state official , a noble man I don't want to get into his bed that's absurd ..this is not me ..i must be possessed by some horny ghost that's why I want to kiss him again and do things .. yes it's a ghost that wants to kiss him..

Phongsakorn was still in the reverie of his thoughts when suddenly there was a knock on his door ...

W..ho... Is .. phongsakorn asked a little startled..

It's me master ... The butler answered from the other side of the door..

Oh ..come inside  phongsakorn said in a bit relaxed voice.

Master i wanted to ask if you want to take your breakfast ..the butler inquired..

No ,i don't want to eat ,i am not hungry.. phongsakorn said as he got up from his bed and asked.

Where is the man who came here..

He is in the guest room master..

Okay , i will get ready for work now , you go and serve him the breakfast in his room..

Okay master , as you say, the butler said this and left the room .

Yes this Is right ,i will go to work now and come back in the late evening , maybe I will would sort out my thoughts by then and talk to him or maybe he will run away from here until then...

Running away, no ,no he will not ..he said he walked here from imperial city only to see me , he would not run away ....

But I will, for now... Phongsakorn thought this as he got ready and ran from the manor as fast as he could to avoid even looking at vegas's shadow..


The butler took the tray of food and walked to vegas's room and knocked on it gently..

Come in.. Vegas replied and sat up  straight on the bed..

Here is your breakfast sire , please eat it ... The butler said bowing a bit..

No, no ,i don't want to eat , thank you for your kindness.. Vegas said as he bowed to the man..

Master ordered me to give you breakfast and lunch and to tell you to rest..the butler answered..

What does this mean ...

No way ,no way  , does this mean that he wants me to recover fast and get out of his sight , no that can't happen , i know I did a grave sin but I would not get away from here ,i will die but never walk away from here ,no...

I will not eat anything and become more sick and stay here with him... Vegas thought as he stared at the tray of food infront of him.

No i don't want to eat... Vegas said looking at the tray of food fearfully .

But master said you have to eat your meals.

No , i am not really hungry , i feel like throwing up .

As you wish.. the butler said and took the food back .

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