Types of love..

125 13 2

In the morning , Vegas was sitting in his bedroom when the butler knocked on his door..

Please ,come in ... Vegas said as he turned towards the door ..

I came to inform you that master wants to see you.. the butler said ..

Okay , i am coming down , Vegas said and followed the butler downstairs where phongsakorn was sitting infront of the table..

He's here master .. the butler informed phongsakorn as he got down with Vegas following behind him..

You called for me , my lord.. Vegas said looking down..

Hmm ,I am glad you are here early, let's have breakfast together.. phongsakorn said looking at Vegas gesturing him to sit infront of him..

No my lord , i can't eat with you .. Vegas said..

Why, phongsakorn asked looking at Vegas ...

Because you are you and I am me , i can't eat with you , Vegas replied ..

Okay , i am me , so I am ordering you to come here and have breakfast with me , phongsakorn said again ..


It's an order , come here .. phongsakorn said impatiently..

Okay.. Vegas said pouting and sat infront of phongsakorn..

Let's start eating now , i am hungry.. phongsakorn stated and started eating .

Vegas looked at him for a bit and then shook his head and started eating as well , they were almost done with their breakfast , when the butler came in with a man ..

Sire , this man wants to talk to you about something .. the butler said and gestured towards the man..

What is it .. phongsakorn asked placing his chopsticks down..

Sir , i am from the construction site of the new government building , the workers were digging the place and found a very old box there , so the officer told me to inform you first.. the man explained ..

Okay , i will go with you now , phongsakorn said and got up from his place to go with the man..

You come with me too , phongsakorn said looking at Vegas..

Me ..okay .. as soon as Vegas heard phongsakorn  ask him to go with him , he sprinted up from his place and followed behind him happily..

Phongsakorn and Vegas followed behind the man and walked for some 15 or 30 minutes before reaching the place where the construction was going on , when they reached there they saw a lot of people from village had  gathered there once the news of finding an old box had spread..

The officer incharge came to phongsakorn with an old box in his hand , the box was of the mid size , the box was pitch black and the lock on it had come off because of the rust ,the box looked like it had been  there for a long time   , phongsakorn looked at it for a bit , examining it and then decided to open it , when he was about to open the box ,an elderly man from the crowd stopped him..

My lord , i think you should not open it like that , there must be something really dangerous inside that box..

I don't think there will be anything harmful inside this box after all it has been buried for a long time , don't worry it's nothing.. phongsakorn stated and was about to open the box when Vegas slowly and quietly nudged his hand , when phongsakorn looked at him , Vegas shook his hand telling him not to open the box..

What is it.. phongsakorn asked.

I am having a really weird feeling can you not open the box first and let someone else handle it.. Vegas replied in a low tone..

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