spoilt boy..

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6 months later:-

The days have become colder, the scorching summer has passed and a chilly autumn is making the leaves fall everywhere , the servants are sweeping the leaves,everything is quiet except the General's chamber.

Hyuk come here, the General said helplessly.

No, I would not, I can't do this anymore, Hyuk said getting further away from him.

No, you have to do it, come here, The General said trying to hold Hyuk's hand but he dodged it and said

No I would not, everytime we do this, it hurts for days.. Hyuk said pouting.

But this is important for you.. The General replied..

It's not important for me, no one does this with you except me, if you like it so much tell jin-He noona, she will be very happy. Hyuk refuted.

Are you Crazy, why would I give her lessons, you need to study, why are you dragging her in between this matter and if you don't like studying with me then my eunuch can teach you. The General said.

No, I don't like him, Hyuk answered.

Then who do you like, I will get that person to teach you.

I don't like studying , I don't want to do it, it's been a month and I have not even learned to write my name, it's too hard, my hand hurts.

It's not that hard, I promise after sometime you will enjoy studying.

Never ever, the work of a servant is easier then writing.

But Hyuk..

No, it's time for me to play, Hoon and Aerum must be waiting for me, see you later. Hyuk said and got up to leave.

Hyuk, Hyuk, Hyuk wait, the General kept calling but Hyuk didn't stop.

I... I can't with this boy,  the General thought looking at the door when his eunuch knocked on the door.

My Lord, what are the orders for me, should I get a master for Hyuk. The eunuch asked.

Didn't you hear that he is not ready to study, I don't get why he hates it so much and most importantly why does not he listen to me. The General asked.

My Lord, the servant apologizes for saying this but he has become a spoilt kid, he does not listen to anyone, you have pampered him too much. I think  you should become more strict with him, he may listen to you then. The Eunuch answered.

Okay fine, you can go I know how to do things. The General said .

Hyuk was going to the garden  to play when Jin-He called him.

Hyuk, where are you going.

Noona, it's time for me to play so I am going to Hoon and Aerum.

Hyuk, come have your lunch first after that you can go and play.

No, Noona, I don't want to, I am getting late, I will eat something later.

No, eat something first then you can play till late in the evening.

No, I don't want to..

Hyuk, a little please eat a little.

No, I don't want to Noona.. The two were still bickering when two other servants came there.

What are you doing Jin-He, why are you begging him to eat, and you why don't you work, why are you always playing and strolling around, did you come here to play or do your work, one of them said looking at Hyuk.

His servant( slow updates )Where stories live. Discover now