enchanted poor Gamja..

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In the morning ,vegas woke up and got ready for his work , he took his bag and bowl and started walking  out of the community's area and walked straight to the government office and sat infront of the building , squatting down on the ground , he looked at the large building , looking for someone specific while not knowing himself what he was doing , while sighing vegas tilted his head to the way he came from and suddenly,

A person in dark blue hanbok ,with hair tied in a bun and covered with a black hat , walked past him and entered the building without even glancing at him ....

Where the man in question didn't even spare him a glance but Vegas got awestruck

The fuck ,he is the most beautiful person of this era , it's believed that the woman of this era are the most beautiful in the whole history but if someone asks me ,a useless beggar I will say that the most beautiful,elegant , charismatic , lovely , pretty , precious person of this era is a man in a dark blue hanbok .....

Vegas looked at him the whole day , stealing glances of the man who is the subject of his unwanted affection..

And then he went home in the evening with an empty bag and bowl, he had not even thought about this problem, what was he going to eat if he doesn't beg, the man had charmed him to the extent that the poor Gamja forgot about eating and sleeping, he was still in a daze, looking at the etheral being the whole day had made him forget that he has little won waiting for him by the entrance of their house , he walked with slow steps wanting to look more at the noble's man's precious face..

He finally got home and saw little won waiting for him and as soon as he saw his hyung, he jumped giddily..

Hyung, hyung ,where were you ,I was waiting for you ....won said jumping up and down..

Vegas was about to say something ,when little won took his bag and started looking into it...

What delicious things did you get today Hyung , little won asked looking in the bag only to find it empty...

You didn't get anything today ,hyung , won asked...

No ,there were not a lot of people today so i didn't get anything... vegas replied...

It's okay, I got a lot we can share them ... won stated happily and gave a bun to vegas...

Vegas patted his hair and after eating both the brothers went to sleep...

In the morning ,vegas got up and went to the same place again to look at the man's face whose name was not even known to him...

A few weeks went by like this ,vegas got up every morning and went to the same place and sat there till evening , squatting at the ground and in the evening came back with empty hands , won always took care of his dinner ,so vegas could continue to go there without any problem..

During this time , vegas changed completely , the selfish and arrogent vegas when he first came here in this era had gone , the vegas now didn't care what was happening around him , whether he was eating or not ,whether he was sick or well ,he does not have any plans or any wishes to go back to his real life now , he was enjoying his one sided love life , he knows very well he can never get the man he longed for but it doesn't not matter to him , he just wants to see that man and admire him with all his life ...

It's one of the many days vegas returned in the evening and saw won was sitting inside their house fuming in anger....

You came empty handed again , didn't you ... won asked ...

Yes , vegas replied...

Won walked to him and stood infront of him and put his hands on his shoulders..

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