The devil's innocence

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As the days passed and the General didn't come home ,Hyuk heard a lot more then he did on the first day of the General's disapearence , the more he heard the more he became disgusted and afraid of the General. The rumours Hyuk heard mostly were how the General killed little kids and pregnant women making him tear up everytime.

The days passed by quickly and in the blink of any eye the General had gone for two weeks , everyone in the palace was happy and living a peaceful life , Hyuk was also happy ,not having much work to do other then occassionally helping in the kitchen , Hyuk had a lot of free time and he used all that time to play with Aerum and Hoon .

Right now ,Hyuk was in the garden playing with the Kids , when Jin-He came running to him , when she saw Hyuk she called him .

Hyuk , Hyuk .. she called as she panned towards him ..

What happened Noona , Hyuk asked as he walked towards her.

Come with me , the General is back , Jin-He said holding his hand.

H he is back , Hyuk asked terrified.

Hmm, the General is back now let's go ,you might need to serve him ... Jin-He said and dragged him back to the kitchen.

Everyone had already gotten back to their work , the kitchen was already preparing the dinner and the maids were cleaning up and doing their chores, looking at how everyone was sweating , Hyuk gulped and went towards the chef.

Should I help you with something , Hyuk asked politely.

It's okay Hyuk , the General fortunately does not want to be disturbed right now so we don't need to prepare any snacks and for the dinner , the preparations are already done , he is not in a good mood today , so when you take his dinner for him , don't make a mistake okay , the chef explained gently and patted Hyuk's head.

Okay , Hyuk said in a low voice looking down.

The whole evening Hyuk sat in the corner of the kitchen , thinking about all the things he had heard these past few days , the more he thought the more terrified he was becoming.

What will happen if I make a mistake , what I'd he kills me or eats me alive ,what should I do , he he is not a human , he might kill everyone someday , what will happen then ..

He thought and thought until it was time for him to serve the General.he took the tray of food and started walking towards the General's chamber once he reached there he could not help but tremble in fear , he put forward his hand and knocked on the chamber praying to the Gods to spare his life ..

In the meantime the permission from the General came and Hyuk opened the door , he walked towards the General but with every step he took ,the plates in the tray collided with each other violently , making a shattering sound , the General looked at Hyuk as he saw him walking very slowly , he placed the plates on the table looking down , during the whole time the General looked at Hyuk but he didn't look back at him .

He stared as Hyuk was setting the table , the General stretched his hand and tried to touch Hyuk's shoulder but as soon as Hyuk sensed him reaching for his neck , Hyuk cried for mercy , he kneeled infront of the General.

Please , please forgive me General , i will never do this again , i will never make a mistake again , please spare me, i beg for your forgiveness , General ,please show mercy , Hyuk pleaded as his cries filled the whole chamber.

Hyuk , what .... General wanted to say something but he could not , he was confused because of Hyuk's behaviour ..

I beg you ,please forgive me , please please , Hyuk said and ran out of the chamber

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