the box, the voice and the hand

108 11 5

In the morning,vegas got up and after freshening himself up and waking won , he decided to go to phongsakorn's room and ask him about the breakfast ..

He walked to his room and knocked on the  door but phongsakorn did not answer , vegas waited for a while outside the door and waited for phongsakorn to come out but after getting no response for a while he decided to enter the room , when he entered inside , he saw that phongsakorn was not there , his bed was a mess and the glass was on the floor, vegas got worried and came out of phongsakorn's room, he started looking around for him , when he saw phongsakorn enter from the manor's main door.

My lord , where were you ... Vegas asked as he looked towards phongsakorn..

Gamja... Phongsakorn cried out loud as he lunged at Vegas and wrapped himself around vegas's body ..

What happened my lord , are you okay , vegas asked rubbing his back as phongsakorn was now sniffing..

I had a nightmare , a very bad one , phongsakorn pouted leaning in vegas's body to get more comfort .

Vegas took phongsakorn in his lap and walked back inside the room , he sat on the chair while phongsakorn was still in sitting in his lap holding his body tightly , vegas rubbed his back for a few long minutes to calm him down and once phongsakorn stopped sniffing ,he asked gently..

What happened my lord. , what kind of dream did you have , was it very frightening , why didn't you come to me if you were so scared..

Phongsakorn opened his mouth but closed it immediately ..

No , no,no , i don't want to remember it again , don't ask me what I saw just hug me and be here , I want to hug...

After 2-3 hours:-

Phongsakorn had now completely calmed after hugging and kissing vegas for so long so he decided to get ready and go to his office , right now phongsakorn was changing his clothes while vegas was sitting there with eyes closed..

My lord, are you done changing.. vegas asked not daring to take a peak..

Yes, I am done , open your eyes .. phongsakorn said as he looked towards vegas..

My lord , can you please not go today, I am feeling very uneasy like something is about to happen.. vegas asked looking at phongsakorn..

No , I have a very important work today, I need to go, Phongsakorn answered.

I am feeling very uneasy because of the nightmare I had at night , i would rather go and be at office the whole day maybe then I can forget about that ominous dream..

Then , I will come with you .. vegas said ..

No , if you come won would follow you too so  you be at home and play with him , I will come back early . Phongsakorn said and got ready to leave

My lord , I will come with you.. vegas said again as phongsakorn was on the main gate leaving for his work..

No , I will come back early , don't worry  ,I will take care of myself.. phongsakorn smiled and left ..

Vegas stood there for a while as he looked at phongsakorn's departing figure , the ominous feeling was growing inside him with every passing second but he could not do anything ..

In the late afternoon , phongsakorn was in his chair , massaging his temple as the headache grew inside his head , he had his eyes closed ,head leaning back in the chair , when his subordinate at work came with a glass of water in his hand..

Sir , are you okay , you don't look too good today, his subordinate asked .

If you have too much headache you can leave now , I can handle the remaining work .. his subordinate continued..

Ah no it's okay , I can handle it, phongsakorn answered..

It's okay sire ,please retire for today you don't look very good ,I am afraid you would fall sick .. the subordinate insisted..

Okay fine , I will go but make sure to finish the remaining work today , phongsakorn ordered and got up to leave..

Phongsakorn left his office and started walking towards the manor , the walk was a quiet one , the unusually eerie calm one , cold  wind was blowing at an unusually fast speed making phongsakorn's hands and face go numb , he was in the middle of the road when suddenly with his next step , the place seemed to change , it was not the usual road anymore , phongsakorn was in the middle of a forest alone ..

Phongsakorn looked at his surroundings , trying to figure out what was happening when vegas called out to him..

My lord , where are you.. vegas asked from behind , it was gamja's voice but not the Gamja in real life but the one from his nightmare last night .

Phongsakorn gulped in fear as he stepped forward not daring to look back..

Wait , my lord i am coming too , Gamja chirped again in an unusually heavier and louder voice..

But phongsakorn didn't stop he kept walking as he fisted his hands determined on not playing along whoever was calling him..

My lord, please wait for me , it hurts there is blood please save me , save me please , it hurts to be alone here ,  please,this time gamja cried in pain as he called phongsakorn.

When phongsakorn heard this painful cry, he turned around and looked left and right..

I know you are not my gamja, who are you and why are you doing this.. Phongsakorn asked back..

The voice didn't answer phongsakorn but rather kept calling out to him in a mournful voice , phongsakorn stepped towards the direction where the voice was coming from and soon started running around following it..

Phongsakorn followed the voice until it stopped calling out to him, there was a big tree in front of him, phongsakorn slowly walked to it and looked behind the tree to find the box behind it, it was the same box that was in his room in the manor but what was it doing here..

Phongsakorn took a deep breath and took his hand forward in the direction of the box to touch it when again like last night he felt a hand intervened with his, he looked at the hand and it was still the same bloody charred hand, phongsakorn without thinking anything kicked the hand with his left foot and ran away from the hand..

After running for a few minutes, phongsakorn stopped in the middle of nowhere and started breathing heavily when he looked forward and found the box in front of him

My Lord, save me, open the box, there was a knock on the box from inside..

Hearing this voice made, phongsakorn crumble down, he wanted to cry, he wanted to go back to his gamja and cry in his lap, why was all this happening to him, he didn't know but he wanted it all to stop so that he could go back to his gamja..

He slowly went towards the box again and was about to open it when suddenly the burnt woman appeared in front of him..

I said NOOOOO, the woman said In a terrifying voice..

Phongsakorn was about to run away again when the woman suddenly grabbed his clothes and with all her might threw phongsakorn away making him crash into the trees, after hitting the tree phongsakorn fell down and before passing out he heard..

Do Not Open It. The woman's voice cried out..


Hi lovelies, your author hope you all missed me..

Can anyone guess what I am going to  do with them now..

Do comment and vote..

Bye- Bye, take care, love you..


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