The three broken hearts...

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I can't do this , I need to get out of all this , I am losing my sanity ....

After the scene won made at the fair for losing vegas , he was dragged back to their home by his Gamja hyung , even after coming back from the market won kept crying and hugging vegas to sleep all night .

In the morning , vegas woke up and did his things like usual and after that went to market to beg ,in the evening like everyday he went to get his love from work , vegas reached there and like always he hid behind the wall to wait for his moo..I mean light , vegas waited there till late at night but phongsakorn didn't come out of the office, he got dejected and slumped against the wall..

Looks like he didn't come for work today ... vegas thought and went back to his home and slept...

The next day he did the same things and again he didn't see phongsakorn , vegas once again went back home with disappointment and tiredness and again slept without eating anything ,not being able to see his beautiful being vegas was losing interest in things and he was going into a very bad state ..

Vegas went their the third day and then the fourth day and so on ,he went their every single day in hopes of seeing phongsakorn again ,but he didn't phongsakorn never came to work again not was he in the market or anywhere near his house , these days vegas could not sleep or eat and went into an agressive mode...

After a few days ,when vegas was still waiting for phongsakorn to come out of the office , he heard his two subordinates talking infront of the building...

I heard sir phongsakorn  got transferred .. one of them said looking at the other.

Yeah , I heard that too , its a good news though , he always made us work overtime, I hate it... the other chirped in..

Yeah , thank God ,he went there , I didn't like him one bit.. the first one stated cockily...

Where did he go , vegas cried out loud hearing these words and came out of his hiding...

Ahhh ghost .. the first subordinate screamed as he saw something appear infront of him out of thin air...

It's not ghost ,it's me , can you tell me where he went .. vegas asked desperately.

Aissh ,you little .he was about to hit vegas when other one stopped him ..

Stop it , are you going to touch this low classs beggar... he said and turned towards vegas..

Why are you here , didn't I say I will kill you if I see you lurking around here again .. he yelled at Vegas...

I am sorry , I will never come here again ,but please tell me where he went ... vegas said in a desperate manner...

Who went where , who are you asking about... he replied

My lor.. I mean the state advisor... vegas said in a sorrowful voice..

What do you want , do you want to attack him or something ,tell me this instant or i will kill you... the subordinate raised his voice looking vegas dead in the eye...

No ,no , I am not here to attack him or anything but he said he .. he will give me something in the alms ,he promised to meet me here . Vegas answered with water in his eyes..

He is not here ,he can't give you anything ,get away from here now.. 

Where did he go.. vegas asked again.

He went to hanjabong , he can't come here now so get your filthy feet away from this place and never show up or else I will cut your legs and make you sit in one place for the rest of your life... the subordinate said in a voice laced with arrogance and disgust..

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