Chapter 43: Camping trip

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Everyone entered the bus and sat on the sits of their choice.

It was Wednesday and they were going for camping. They all carried their bags and sat down.

Zoey, Natalie and Mirabel walked side by side towards the bus. Zoey stepped in first, then Natalie and Mirabel. Zoey stood at the front as she walked at the middle of the bus looking for where to sit with her bag. Suddenly, someone pushed her to the left making her sit on an empty sit. She looked and saw Natalie winking at her and then looking behind her. Zoey slowly turned and saw Klaus sitting beside her while looking at the window.

Her eyes widened in surprise before looking at Natalie who was already sitting with Mirabel.

Zoey cursed in her mind. She and Klaus haven't spoken to each other since valentine's day and Natalie put her here. She quickly got up to change sits but saw Mr Brendon, their maths teacher and Mrs Donna already in the bus. They closed the door and everyone occupied the sits.

She looked around and slowly sat down back.

She opened her bag and brought out her bucket hat and put on immediately. She was determined not to show her face to him.
It will be totally awkward.

"Is everyone in here?" Mrs Donna asked and they all chorused.


"Okay, I know it's too early and most of you haven't eaten. We're gonna share a little snack around to lessen the hunger. When we get to the campsite, we eat" Donna said before getting up with a basket of hamburgers. She began sharing it.

Zoey looked down at her phone. She got a text from her dad.

Dad: call me when you guys arrive

She read it but didn't reply. Mrs Donna reached she and Klaus row and gave her two hamburgers.

"Give it to your partner" she said while giving Zoey. Zoey took the burgers and quickly dropped on on his legs without looking. Klaus looked at his leg then at her.

"Thanks" he said as he collected it. He opened the plate and brought out the burger. His habit when eating burger; open the bread and look at what's inside before eating.

He did that and saw the veggies inside. He searched for something but didn't see it. He glanced at the girl beside him before patting her shoulders.

"Hey" he said and Zoey halted she didn't know whether she should look or not.

"Can we have an exchange if yours have cucumbers?" He asked and Zoey just nodded before giving him hers without looking again. He gave her his too.

"Thank you" he said before opening the plate. He opened the bread and saw some cucumbers in it before taking a bite.

"Attention everyone!" Mr Brendon said getting up making everyone quiet.

"I know you all are gonna write your examinations during camping but we will also have some gaming sessions" he said and a lot of people rejoiced.

"Not just that, I believe you are all sitting in two's, right?" He asked.

"Yeahssss!" They responded.

"Alright, whoever is sitting beside you will be your gaming partner throughout the whole camping" he said and chuckles were heard.

"Thank goodness" some people said.

Zoey didn't even want to move. She feared if she make any move he will know it's her.

"We're gonna take a register now" Mrs Donna said holding a paper.

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