Chapter 33: Results

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On Monday morning, Zoey walked at the corridor with her bags hung on both shoulders. She opened her locker to get her book when Lana came.

"Hey" Lana said and Zoey looked at her.

"Hey" Zoey said.

"Yeah, I've been thinking lately but if you don't mind. May I ask Klaus out?" Lana asked and Zoey looked at her, lost in words.

"Look I know you guys broke up for some reasons, so I thought maybe, I should date him" Lana said and Zoey just smiled.

"Oh, yeah, sure. Why not?" Zoey said and Lana smiled.

"Thanks" Lana said and left.

Zoey watched her leave before shaking her head and facing back her locker.
She remembered last night and just smiled. She felt really happy and good. Now she had nothing to be mad about. She turned around and saw Klaus and Stephan.

She took a deep breath and waited for him to come. Just then Mj joined them and she just waited until they were close.

"Hey Zoey" Stephan said and Zoey smiled.

"Hey" Zoey said.

"What's up?" Mj asked.

"I'm cool" she said before looking at Klaus who looked at her normally.

"Uhm.....our results are out, let's go to class" Klaus said before walking away. Stephan and Mj followed him.

"Wow, not even a hey" she said before following them.

The four of them reached the class and met everyone with their test results.

"Alright, come take yours" Mrs Donna said and they walked to her table to take theirs.

"Nicklaus, I'm happy to see your result. You did absolutely well as usual" she said before giving nick his paper.

"Thank you" he said and left.

"Stephan, keep it up. But try harder" she said and gave Stephan.

"Mj, good work. You're better this semester" she said giving him his result.

Zoey came in and Mrs Donna smiled.

"I love your competitive side. You really did well Zoey. Good job. Try to beat up the boys next time" she said whispering her last sentence. Zoey slowly collected her result from her and turned to go sit.

She walked to the back and sat before opening the envelope.

English- A+
Mathematics- A
History- C
Geography- A+
Biology- A
Chemistry- B
Physics- A+

"How did I get a B on chemistry?" She asked before looking at others.

"You got a b on chemistry?" Natalie asked.


"Well I got a D. You killed it totally" she said and Zoey was quiet. She looked at Klaus who folded his back and put in his bag. He must've gotten what he expected that's why he didn't make any comment.

"So tell me, how was your visit last night. Did you put on the sexy gown?" Natalie whispered.

"Yeah, I did and he hated it" she said and Natalie was quiet.

"Oh, my bad" Natalie said.

"But it went fine. We made up, and also hooked up" she said and Natalie covered her mouth.

"Really?" Natalie.

"Yes, but he isn't really acting like all of that happened " she said and Natalie looked at him.

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