Chapter 20- Moved on Too Quick

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Klaus walked into the class. It was his first class this morning since he didn't attend maths class. He walked to a sit beside the window and sat down. The class was noisy and crowdy so he put his headphones. He opened his book to draw a little before the teacher comes in.

Zoey was seated at the middle of the class pressing her phone while eavesdropping from the girls gossip beside her.

"Why don't you ask him out? You keep on talking about him for years yet you haven't even said hi to him" Jacy said.

"You think he'll respond?" Lana asked.

"Yeah, of course. I see him with she always"

"Who?" Lana asked.

"The one who's always drawing. The loner. What's her name?"

"Zoey Smith?" Lana asked and Jacy nodded making Lana scoff.

"Oh please. Why would he speak to her? I only see him with his cousin. Come on, she just broke up with his friend why would she move to him? Isn't it absurd?" Lana said.

"You know, maybe they had it going for a while now" Jacy said.

"Nah, Nicklaus wouldn't do that" Lana said making Zoey suddenly get up from her sit.

They both looked at her. She grabbed her bag and walked towards the back. Zoey reached the back and looked at the girl sitting beside Klaus and slowly hit her knuckles on the desk making the blonde look at her.

"Move" she said and the girl sighed before getting up and leaving with her bag and books.

Zoey dropped her bag on the desk making Klaus look up at her. He looked at the blonde that just left and then at Zoey. She sat down and put down her bag.

Klaus took off his headphones and looked at Zoey.

"Why'd you send her out?" He asked and zoey shook her head.

"Why did you miss maths class? Forgot to ask you" She asked changing the topic.

"What did I tell you? They are friends. See the way they are talking Lana. I don't think you can get him at all" Jacy said to quiet Lana who just stared at Zoey and Klaus.

"I got breathing issues" he said and Zoey furrowed her brows.

"Again?" She asked and he looked at her.

"Was it supposed to happen once?" He asked.

"No are you feeling now? You should be resting now" she said and he shook his head.

"Can you stay in here? Isn't it too crowdy for you?" She asked worriedly.

"That's why I'm beside the window" he said and she was quiet.

"Sorry" she said but he just did like he didn't hear her.

"Can I get your number?" She suddenly asked him.

"What?" He asked.

"Your phone number" she repeated.

"I don't know it by heart" he said before going to his drawing letting Zoey look at him surprisingly.

"You don't know your phone number?" She asked him and he nodded.

"Geez, who doesn't know their number? And you're good at maths" She asked again.

"Give me yours" he said.

"Get it from your phone"

"I forgot my phone at home" he said with his eyes on his drawing.

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