Chapter 39: Make Memories

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After school, Klaus came back home with Maeve. He was the first to enter the house this time and the first thing he saw was his mom and dad at the parlor watching a show.

The door opened and they both looked at the door and saw Klaus.

"Afternoon dad, afternoon mom" he greeted  as he walked straight up.

"Come back here" Pearson said and he halted and sighed before turning around.

He walked to the parlor and stood at their front. Maeve entered the house and closed the door behind her.

"Afternoon everyone" she said and walked upstairs. Nick watched Maeve walk up freely and sighed when she was gone. He noticed his phone was kept on the table.

"Sit" Pearson said.

"Hm?" He asked not hearing her properly.

"Sit" Pearson said patting the space beside her.

Klaus hesitated before slowly sitting beside her. He looked at the floor waiting for her to speak.

"Nick" she called and he looked at her.

"I pretty sure I called your name" she said.

"Yes mom" he said correcting himself.
His mother always hated when they answered her just by looking or by saying what? Or just yes?

"What happened this morning between you and i?" He asked and Klaus glanced at his dad before looking at the floor.

"You stole my drawings " he answered and Pearson chuckled.

"I stole your drawings?" She asked back.

"You seized them" he said.

"Why?" Darren asked and Pearson looked at Nick.

"Because I didn't apologize" he said.

"Are you sorry?" Darren asked and Klaus remained quiet for a while before speaking.

"Not yet" he said and his parents was left speechless.

"Why?" Darren kept asking.

"Because she took my drawings" he said and Pearson just looked at him.

"You want your drawings back?" Pearson asked and they looked at her.

"Yeah" he said.

"Then apologize right now, Nick" she said and Klaus got up already tired of the conversation.

"Where're you going?" She asked.

"Upstairs. Keep the drawing if you want" he said and walked away.

"Nick" Darren called making him halt.

"Your mom is speaking to you, sit down" Darren said and Klaus pressed his lips in annoyance before walking back slowly and sitting down beside Pearson once again looking elsewhere.

"Don't walk out of here again until I permit you, got that?" She asked and he nodded.

"Take your phone" she said and he looked at her.

"Take it" she said and he got up and collected his phone before sitting down back.

"Look, I don't care whether you're nineteen or not. As long as you're living under this house. Nicklaus you better behave. If you don't, I'm ready to punish you, anyhow, anytime. First of all, you raise your voice at your dad, second you curse at him? Where's the respect?" She looked at him as Klaus stared at the floor.

"Fine, I slapped you doesn't mean you should leave the house under a punishment given to you. I told you yesterday, go outside and you left to elsewhere. You came home and basically told me you won't apologize to me, for what?-"

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