Chapter 31- Shell

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The next day

Zoey and Natalie walked side by side at the corridor.

"So, why didn't you come for the party?" Natalie asked and Zoey sighed.

"Nothing, I felt like not going at all" Zoey said and Natalie was quiet.

"Hey, have you guys seen the timetable?" Mirabel came and asked.

"What timetable?" Natalie asked.

"Our test timetable" Mirabel said Zoey furrowed her brows.

"Test? We have test? When?" Zoey asked.

"Pfft, tomorrow" Mirabel said before walking away.

"Geez, I haven't even studied" Zoey said walking straight to her locker.

"Yeah, what were you doing last night? I mean it was announced days ago" Natalie said and Zoey just shook her head as she brought out her books.

"Can I you later? Gotta go study at the library " Zoey said as she packed her books on her hands.

"Okay?" Natalie said helping Zoey close her locker.

"Bye" Zoey said as she walked slowly with her books.

She walked downstairs to the library. She entered and dropped the books on the counter.

"Good morning sir" she greeted the librarian, a man in his thirties putting on spectacles.

"Oh, Zoey. It's been long since I've seen you" he said and she just smiled.

"So your test begins tomorrow?" He asked and she nodded.

"I'll give you a hint, it's gonna be hard" he said before giving her a pen and a paper to sign.

"Okay" she said before signing her name. She grabbed her books and walked to her normal spot, she saw a book there already and  a coffee cup like someone was already sitting there.

She sat down at the round table and put her hair behind her ears before unlocking her phone.

She looked at the timetable posted in the school's students chat.

"Jesus! History?" She asked herself seeing the first subject they had.

"My god, I don't have the time to read for history" she said before dropping her phone and opening her history textbook.

She opened to page 24 and started reading.

"Uhm.....I don't know, I'm really busy now" Zoey heard someone say making her look up and see Klaus on the phone. She quickly looked down and flipped her page.

What's he doing here? She asked herself.

"Alright" Klaus said and ended his call. Zoey quickly used her hand to cover her face as she looked down at her book.

She then heard him come to the table and sit. So he was the one who was on this table. If she had known she would have sat somewhere else. 

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