Chapter 18: Out of Pity

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Klaus walked to his locker when he sighted Scott beating up a junior. He watched him kick the boy to the ground and punch him. It was lunchtime so they weren't much students or staffs at the corridor. Klaus quickly walked to them and pushed Scott away from the boy.

"Stop it" Klaus said and Scott finally looked at him.

"Stop what?" Scott asked. "fucking psycho telling me how to think huh? Can you believe him? A fucking junior speaking to me about thinking?!" Scott asked and Klaus looked at him calmly. He looked over at the junior who coughed.

"Hey" Klaus said and gestured him to walk away. The boy quickly got up and left as quickly as he could.

Klaus watched the boy run before looking at Scott.

"You should have listened to him quietly and learn to think" Klaus said to him making Scott chuckle.

"Don't get me wrong. Damella was the one who threw herself towards me" Scott said pointing himself as he took a step closer.

"And you offered" Klaus said and he was quiet. "or was it just negotiation?"

"Scott if you thought of fucking another girl, why not pick someone else and not Stephan's girlfriend?" Klaus asked.

"That's none of your business " Scott said before walking away. He ran his hand through his hair as he walked.

Klaus then felt someone watching him. He looked and the person quickly hid. He walked towards the stairs and heard footsteps running down before he could sight the person. He shook his head and left.

"They tore it all? Why?" Natalie asked.

"I don't know. Hate or something" Zoey said as she walked to the next class with Natalie.

They halted when they both met Damella. The three of them stared at each other.

"Hey Zoey" Damella said and Zoey gave her a straight face.

"What?" Zoey asked.

"I uhm..... wanted to....... apologize" she said like there was a lump in her throat.

"For what?" Zoey asked with folded arms.

"You know, last Friday. That shit with I and Scott and-"

"Does it look like I need your apology? You should go over to Stephan and beg for his forgiveness, not me. Excuse me" Zoey said and walked away. Natalie didn't say a thing and just  followed Zoey.

The school bell rang and everyone walked out slowly from the cafeteria. Damella cursed in her mind as she saw Zoey walk away.

"Who does she think she is? Why would I apologize sincerely?" She asked herself.

Zoey sat down on the chair for history class.

She took out her history book, luckily it was in her bag not in her locker.

Before the class began, Scott walked in and sat beside her. She looked at him before facing her book like he wasn't there.
She tried ignoring him but he won't let her. He purposely moved his desk closer to hers and cleared his throat.

"What do you want?" She asked and he looked at her.

"I thought you wouldn't talk" he said.

"Are you here to talk bullshit?" She asked and he gave her another attractive yet annoying smile.

"Don't smile at me" she said with a death glare. He didn't say anything and just faced his work.


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