Chapter 42: Chapter 42

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Maybe Zoey heard him wrong. Did Stephan say a day or two? Cause two day has been gone now and Klaus was still not speaking to her like he did before. Let's say he was now like who he was before. Just him his phone and his drawings. He didn't even speak to Lana anymore. Only his friends, MJ, Stephan and Scott.

Zoey stepped into the class with her bag on a Thursday morning. The class was filled up already. She saw Klaus on his phone sitting behind. She walked to Natalie and Mirabel and sat between them.

"Hey" Zoey said.


"The semester is ending and you guys have still not spoken a word to each other. Even during valentine's day" Mirabel said.

"Can we please not talk about that now?" Zoey asked and Mirabel and Natalie looked at each other.

"Fine, how bout we talk about our camping trip?" Natalie asked smiling.

"What camping trip?" Zoey asked.

"It's our turn this year. It's yearly" Mirabel said and Zoey sighed. She wasn't really happy to go for any camping trip. The last time she went for camp was when she was five. She went with her parents.

"What? Aren't you happy?" Natalie asked.

"I am but-"

"Do not worry, it'll be fun. You'll have the highest opportunity to get a boyfriend-"

"Mirabel" Natalie said hitting her arms. "don't listen to what she says, she means a lot of people you know, during camp"

"Okay?" Zoey said. She wasn't interested.

"Anyways, you can speak to him then" Natalie said.

"So when is this camping thing starting?" Zoey asked.

"Next week or so? I'm not sure" mirabel said just before Mrs Donna, their class teacher stepped in.

"Okay everyone. Settle down" Donna said and they began arranging their chairs.

"Your exam timetable is out on the school's platform. Go check it out" Donna said they expressed in shock and confusion.

"I know I know. So soon. The school board decided to take things quickly. Your camping trip begins on next week Wednesday and you all will be writing your exams during camping" she said.

"What the fuck?"


"Oh my God, we're doomed"

They murmured.

"So this should tell you to read your books and prepare. Exams starts next week" she said and Jason rose his hand up.

"Yes, Jason"

"What about other classes?" Jason asked.

"They will start their exam same time when you guys leave for camping. So prepare yourselves" she said and left the class.

Noise rose up immediately she left.

"Oh my God. No time for hooking up anymore " Mirabel said.

"How the hell do they expect us to go camping and at same time write their fucking hard exams?" Natalie asked no one in particular.

Zoey pressed her phone checking for the exam timetable.

"Guys, history is the first subject" Zoey said out loud making other students look at her.

"Oh my God. We're doomed"

"Why history?" A girl asked as she opened her textbook.

Stephan dragged a sit to Klaus desk and sat across him.

"Hey Klaus, let's sit together during history" Stephan said and then Leo walked to Klaus.

"I'm beside you already" Leo said just before Scott walked too.

"You can't decide your sit" Klaus said but they didn't budge.

"Alright alright" he said nodding already tired of them.

Natalie chuckled seeing them bother Klaus.


School dismissal and everyone left the school building.
Klaus walked while pressing his phone when Maeve instantly walked beside him.

"Hi" she said but he didn't respond.

She looked at his phone and then at him.

"Nick" she called.

"Yeah?" He said with his eyes on his phone.

"Can I follow my Friends  home?" She asked and he finally put his phone in his pocket and glanced at her.

"Why?" He asked narrowing his eyes as he looked outside.

"Sleepover" Maeve said.

"Have you told mom?" He asked.

"Not yet. I'll tell her tonight" she said.

"No, you gotta tell her now" he said.

"Come on, if I tell her now she won't let me go" she said and he was quiet.

"Thanks" she said before running away.

Klaus walked to the school garage and then to his car. He unlocked it and entered. He looked at the front and saw Zoey walking towards the garage. He dropped his phone and then put on his seatbelt just before Zoey knocked on his window.

He wind the window down slowly and looked at her.

"Hey" she said but he just stared at her waiting for her to speak.

"Seriously, are you still mad?" Zoey asked and he chuckled shocking her a bit. She looked at him in confusion wondering what was funny.

"Yeah" he said after laughing. Zoey pressed her lips before nodding.

"Alright" she said.

"Done?" He asked and she nodded.

He then started the car and moved the gear.

Zoey watched him and realized Maeve wasn't with him.

"Where's Maeve?" She asked.

"Not coming home today" he said and she nodded. He then pressed the gas and drove off.

Zoey was at least happy she heard his voice for over three days or four.

Klaus reached home and entered the house. He met Pearson watching tv at the parlor. He closed the door and dropped his bag on the couch.

"Afternoon mom" he said and she nodded concentrating on the movie.

He glanced at the TV before walking to the stairs.

"Where's Maeve?" Pearson asked.

"Sleepover" he said walking upstairs.

"Come downstairs when you're done freshening up" she said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cause I need company. Your dad has traveled already. I'm bored" she said and he sighed before walking up.

Few minutes, he stepped down with his phone. He looked at the TV and walked to the parlor. He sat beside her and dropped his phone on the table.

"How was school?" She asked.

"Fine. We're going camping next week Wednesday" he said.

"Really? That's good"

"We're gonna start exams too during camp" he said and she furrowed her brows.

"Why?" She asked.

"Just to hasten up things" he said.

"Why did Maeve leave for a sleepover without informing me?" She asked.

"She said she'll tell you tonight" he said "I tried stopping her but she insisted to leave"

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