Chapter 22- Have Something for her

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Throughout the whole day, Zoey hung out with Klaus both at classes and during break. She really got used to him. It's been the longest time they have spent together since.

After school dismissal, Zoey walked with Klaus by his side when suddenly someone came before them. They both looked and saw Lana, the girl always on a ponytail.

"Hey guys" she said smiling. Zoey gave a little smile but Klaus just looked at her wondering why she came to them.

"Hey Klaus" she said running her hand on his chest slightly.

"Hey" he said not realizing that's the first word he has ever said to her.

"Hey Zoey, mind if I speak with him?" She asked and Zoey shook her head. Lana smiled before walking closer to Klaus and raising her toes to whisper to him in his ears. She placed her hands on his shoulders and whispered something to him before leaning out and looking at him.

He looked at her for sometime before bringing out his phone from his back pocket. He put in the fingerprint and gave it to her.

She smiled as she collected it and typed in something. She got her phone and typed in hers too.

Klaus narrowed his eyes as he looked around and scrunched his nose due to the harsh perfume she was wearing.

"Done?" He asked and she nodded.

"Thanks" she said smiling before giving him back his phone.

"Bye" she said and he nodded before she left.

Zoey watched her catwalk her way out.

He kept on walking without saying a word and she followed him without a word too.

They reached his car and Maeve waiting.

"Hey guys" Maeve said but only Zoey responded.

"Hey" Zoey smiled, she was entering the back but Maeve stopped her.

"What're you doing? This is your boyfriend's car. Sit at the front. Don't be shy" she said and Zoey gave her a little fake smile before slowly leaving the door handle she held and walking to the passenger's seat.

She opened the door and sat beside Klaus before closing the door. Maeve entered the back and closed the door.

He started the car without a word and began driving.

Zoey turned on the radio and music suddenly filled the car with maeve's voice.

Zoey looked around Klaus car and admired the designs she wasn't good at car names so she didn't know what brand this was.

She looked at Klaus who had one hand at the steering wheel and the other on the hand rest where she kept one of her hand too.

He pressed the horns and steered at the same time and wondered how it was so easy for people to do this.

"What?" Klaus asked already tired of the stare Zoey gave him.

"Can you teach me?" She asked making him look at her.

"Teach you what?" He asked.

"How to drive" She said and he chuckled.

"Why?" He asked and she sighed. You can't ask him a question without him asking you his question.

"I don't know, I just want to learn" she said and he nodded.

"Is that a yes?" She asked but he didn't respond.

Before she knew it, he reached her house gate. He stopped the car.

"Oh" she said and opened the door.

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