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wow this is incredible! 100 chapters. thanks for everyone who made this possible 

thanks to my mom, who gave me an emotional trauma

thanks to my dad who gave me anger issues

thanks to school who gave me anxiety 

thanks to my fake friends who gave me trust issues

thanks to my sister who made me insecure 

thanks to my brother who made me hate myself 

but let's be a bit more optimistic

thanks to JKR to create Harry Potter and have an escape 

thanks to my uncles who made it normal to be gay in family

thanks to my best friend N who I never am gonna leave

thanks to my friend NV who made me less strange as a bisexual in my class

thanks to my friend R who I could talk to when I needed it 

thanks to A I know you're happy with your boyfriend so you have less time for me

thanks to my male friend NR who stole A from me

thanks to my grandma for believing in me

thanks to Noahfinnce who made me explore myself

thanks to my online friends H and B who I met here on wattpad and made me smile 

thanks to my teacher math who is kind to me after classes

thanks to my teacher English who made me believe in this 

thanks to my dog K and my cat S who comforted me when I was sad

thanks to wattpad for just existing 

thanks to my doctor who told me I might have Borderline 

thanks to my help consouler who always helped me 

thanks to my teacher who learned me write and read when I was 5

thanks to the LGBTQ community who made me realize everything 

and last but not least thanks to you guys, to make not only this story, but all my stories come to live, thanks that I could open up my laptop or phone and see every day a new notification from you guys. thanks that I could open word and proudly look down at all of this. thanks for simply clicking on this and reading. 

Regulus watched the toddlers color on their papers, most were just some random lines and scribbles, and others were attempting to draw humans. Regulus looked over Harry's shoulder. "what you drawing there buddy?" he asked. Harry looked up at him. "that's me." He said and pointed at one of the people "cool and who's that?" he asked and pointed at the figure standing next to Harry. "that's you." he said. Regulus smiled. "what are we doing?" Regulus asked. "we're playing." He said. "and who is that behind the door?" Regulus asked. "that's my uncle padfoot." He said. "what is he doing?" Regulus asked. "watching us, because he loves it when I play." Harry said. "oh does your uncle have a name?" Regulus asked. "I always call him Padfoot, but I don't think that's his real name, when uncle moony gets mad at him he yells 'Sirius Orion Black III' so I guess that's his name." Harry shrugged. Regulus his eyes widened at the name. "hey your last name is Potter right?" he asked. "yup." He replied. "why does your dad never get you at school?" he asked. "my daddy is ill, he is sometimes really happy and sometimes mad and grumpy, he needs to take white things for it, he doesn't like to go out." He replied. Regulus smiled. "can you tell your dad that I have to talk to him tomorrow?" Regulus asked. Harry nodded. "does mommy need to come too?" he asked. "no, only your dad." Regulus replied. "good, cause mommy hates daddy." He said. "oh really?" Regulus asked. "daddy loves other daddies, just like uncle Padfoot and uncle Moony, but he also likes other mommies." He said. Regulus nodded. "I do too." He said. "really?" Regulus asked. "I think I love some boys and some girls, I love everyone." He said; Regulus chuckled. "do you love snacks too?" Regulus asked. "uncle Wormy always gives me snacks when I'm not supposed to." He said. "I take that as a yes." Regulus stood up and called the others.

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