I'll take care for you, forever

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In this oneshot there is no love, but Harry is a baby orphan growing up and Draco takes care for him in the orphanage. Draco does this as volunteer and is 23 years old.

"good luck." Draco's mom said. "you say that every day, working with kids is nice and they're very nice." Draco said. she smiled and drove away. Draco entered and saw that a few people were in the waiting room, they were holding a baby. "hello can I help you?" Draco asked. the man who Draco still hadn't figured out how he fitted through the way too small doorframe put papers on the desk. "this." He pointed at the baby. "isn't ours." He said. Draco nodded with a polite smile. "okay?" Draco asked. "he lost his parents yesterday." Draco now noticed the tall and thin woman. She was also holding a baby. "I'm sorry to hear that." Draco said. "it's my idiotic sister's son." The woman said. "I'm sorry about the loss." Draco said. "loss?" she asked. "so what can I do for you?" Draco asked. "we don't want it." the man said. Draco nodded. "so you're putting him here?" Draco asked. "took you long to understand that." the man said. Draco went behind the counter and pulled out a sheet of paper. "is it for both?" Draco asked. "my Dudley? No way!" the woman shouted. "okay fill in this, I'll get my boss." Draco said and walked further inside. "Draco you're late." Mrs. McGonagall said. "sorry, there is a couple in the waiting room, with a baby." Draco said. "okay." she nodded and went back. Draco walked towards the play room where not all the children were sitting. "hello." Draco said. Pam walked towards him. "my school is closed." She said. "oh no, what's wrong?" Draco asked. "I don't know." she said. Draco smiled. "but now we have so much homework!" she whined. "maybe I can help." Draco said. she smiled. "thank you!" she said. "Draco!" McGonagall called. Draco went towards the front. "can you handle this, we have potential parents for Darcy." She said. Draco nodded. "so where has she left you?" Draco asked. "birth certificate." Draco nodded. "oh look now it's started crying again!" the woman said. Draco picked the child up and started rocking him. "how old is he?" Draco asked. "1 year, he's born in the end of July." Draco nodded. "have you fed him already?" Draco asked. "no." the woman said. Draco nodded. "okay you just have to sign here and you'll never be bothered again." Draco said. the two signed and walked away. Draco looked down at the boy. There was a stich in the shape of a lighting bolt on his head. His green eyes were beautiful. "let's take proper care for you." Draco said and they walked towards the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley was cooking. "oh look what a poor boy." She said. "his name is Harry." Draco said. "I know him, the son of my friends. May they rest in peace." She said. Draco nodded. "I think he's hungry." Draco said. "he sure is." She pushed a plate mini carrots in Draco's hands. "he likes it." she said. Draco nodded and Draco took him towards the breakfast table who was now empty because it's already 11. Draco put Harry in the highchair. "hello I'm Draco." Draco said carefully. He was about to cry again. "can you tell the name of your parents?" Draco asked. "mommy and Daddy." He said. "no I mean their names." Draco said. "prongs and flower." He said. "okay." Draco smiled. "do you like carrots?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. Draco put it down. Harry smiled. "dead?" he asked. "they are but, I'm here. I'm going to take care for you like I'm your dad." Draco said. he smiled and put a carrot in his mouth. "do you know Molly?" Draco asked. he nodded. "but 7 kids." He said. Draco nodded. "so she can't have you, but she cooks dinner and lunch and breakfast." Draco said. Harry smiled. "uncle pads jail." He said. "why?" Draco asked. Harry shrugged. "uncle moony sad." Draco nodded. "me alone." Draco put a carrot of Harry in his mouth. He glared. "sorry." Draco said.

"uncle Draco." Harry had one of those innocent faces. "what have you done?" Draco asked. "I was bitten, but because I stepped on Rory's toe." He said. "oh was it on purpose?" Draco asked. harry shook his head. "okay, does it hurt?" Draco asked. Harry shook his head. "good." Draco said. "look." Harry showed Draco a drawing. "beautiful." Draco smiled at the five-year old. "for you." he said. "thank you." Draco said.

"hey mom." Draco said and hugged his mother from the side. "how was work?" she asked. "I got a drawing." Draco put it on the table. "from who?" she asked. "Harry." Draco replied. "how old is he?" she asked. "5." Draco replied. "Ron was here." She said. "oh really?" Draco asked. "he wanted to see you." she said. Draco smiled. "so?" Draco asked. "he's upstairs." She said. Draco nodded and walked upstairs. "hi." Draco said. "how was work, I had to ask from mum." He said. Draco smiled. "great." Draco said. it stayed quiet. "I was wondering if we should live together." Ron said. "I was wondering the same." Draco said. "so we are?" Ron asked. "yes, and to improve I want to adopt." Draco said. "oh." Ron said. "I work at an orphanage and there is one boy who's been very close to me." Draco said. "Harry isn't it?" Ron asked. Draco nodded. "he's been very obsessed with my life, he's 5." Ron smiled. "when can I meet him?" Ron asked. "tomorrow!" Draco said. Ron smiled.

"Harry I've brought someone for you." Draco said. "I don't want to leave." Harry replied. "you don't have to, I just want you to meet him." Draco said. Harry nodded and walked with Draco towards the meeting room. "hello." Harry hid behind Draco. Ron smiled. "do you know who I am?" Ron asked. Harry shook his head. "I'm Ron, Draco's boyfriend." Ron replied. Harry looked up at Draco. "you remember when I showed a picture of him?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "come take a seat." Ron said. Harry sat on the chair next to Ron and Draco took the other chair. "you wanna be my daddy?" Harry asked. Draco nodded. Harry smiled.

"Harry can I use your phone real quick?" Draco asked. "ew no!" Harry said. Draco chuckled. "I need it, to search something in google, my phone is broken remember?" Draco asked. "ask me what you need." Harry said. "are you ashamed of your search history?" Draco asked. "no I just don't want you to find out." Draco raised his eyebrow. "here." Harry said and handed his phone to Draco. Draco opened google. 'Potter dead' 'car crash 2009 Halloween' 'who are James and Lily Potter'. Draco looked up. "I didn't really want to ask you guys." Harry said. "you can always ask." Draco replied. "I am sorry." Harry said. "do you want to talk about it?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. Draco sat next to Harry. "what do you want to know?" Draco asked. "why?" Harry asked. "some people have bad luck and some good." Draco said. Harry nodded. "you have both." Draco said. "because I didn't die but I lost my parents didn't I?" Harry asked. Draco nodded. "you the first day you were at the orphanage I promised you I'd be like a parent for you, and believe me Malfoy always make their promises come true." 

so two chapter ago I published a piece of my friend's story. and he's going to upload tomorrow in the morning. if you'd like to read everything from his story and how the lives of Miinu and Violet go. read on on his account. 

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