second chance ptII

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"fuck." Draco muttered. Draco are you coming down, I need to go!" Harry called. "okay wait!" Draco called back and he walked downstairs. "see you tomorrow." Harry said and kissed Draco. Draco smiled. "take care for yourself, and the baby." Harry said. Draco's mouth dropped. "how do you know?" Draco asked. "figured out last week, wasn't sure, but something inside me told me that you just found out." Harry said. Draco nodded. "are you okay?" Harry asked. Draco nodded. "you've got some on your face." Draco said and wiped the cum away. Harry giggled. "see you tomorrow." Harry said. "we gotta tell them." Draco said. Harry nodded. "when they're home." Harry said. "and maybe break it off with Weaslette?" Draco asked. "I'm trying." Harry said. Draco smiled. "bye." Harry said and walked towards the door. "aren't you using the floo?" Draco asked. "Ginny would know I've been gone, she noticed last time." Harry said. "oh okay, bye." Draco said and kissed Harry's lips one more time.

"hey." Ginny said. "you should close your shirt." Harry said. she chuckled and sat on Harry's lap. "how was work?" she asked. "great." Harry said. she smiled and leaned her face closer to harry. "we should break up." Harry said. "why?" she asked. "I don't feel it anymore." Harry said. "but-" Harry didn't let her speak. "don't worry about the kids, I'll take them." Harry said. she looked at him. he pushed her off his lap.

"finally the last page." Scorpius said. "about time we've been reading all year." Albus said.

I did it, today I was in the bathroom. I was getting a déja vu. He came in and I think he already knew, the past few weeks he's been acting strange about my left arm, doesn't touch it or anything. "hi Harry." I said. "you wanted to talk to me?" Harry asked. I did want to talk to him, but I panicked. "hey are you okay?" Harry walked over to me and hugged me. "yes, it's I was forced into something stupid, and don't get mad." I said and lifted my sleeve. He looked at it, the skull, the snake, the features. He looked in my eyes. "I thought you loved me?" he asked. I did love him, but didn't tell him. it was stupid, by the time I could react he was gone, I heard his sobs fading away, and it felt like the end.

Scorpius looked down at the ink at the bottom of the page that was wiped out, presumably by his father's tears. "damn." Albus said. "right? It's so sad, how they broke up and stuff." Scorpius said. "that sucks, I think it still sucks on dad though, I'm not allowed to bring you or your dad up in any conversations." Albus said. Scorpius chuckled. "how's Hugo?" Albus asked. "great." Scorpius replied.

"come in Draco." Harry said. "Harry, I'm scared, what if people judge me?" Draco asked. "judging you for carrying the baby of the chosen one?" Harry asked. Draco looked down. "what's up?" Harry asked. "what if they don't accept us?" Draco asked. "fuck them then, put them up for adoption." Harry joked. "now without jokes?" Draco asked. "they'll have to learn to live with it." Harry replied. "okay, but what if the prophet is there?" Draco asked. "then they'll know that the chosen one came for you." Harry said. Draco smiled. "okay." Harry smiled.

"why are they standing next to each other?" Scorpius asked. "your dad looks fat." Lily said. "they're holding hands!" James said. "it was dad that one time." Albus said. they all walked towards them. "what are you doing here together?" Scorpius asked and his eyes trailed off to Draco's belly. "dad?" Scorpius asked. Draco looked at Harry. "we had a little accident." Draco said. "you cheated on mom?" James asked. "no I did not." Harry replied. "you did." Draco said. "shut up." Harry said. "I actually cheated on Draco with your mother, we never broke it off or anything." Harry replied. "you filthy cheater." Draco joked. Harry chuckled. "but you and mom broke up then?" Lily asked. "we did, we also told you in a letter, we didn't feel each other as good as we did, I never did, because I'm gay and as Scorpius and Albus may have read I really loved Draco when I was a teen." Harry said. "so you knocked him up and now you're having a child?" James asked. "yes." Harry said.

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