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"fuck Draco." Harry murmured out of breath. "are you okay?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "can I sleep here I'm too tired." Harry said. Draco nodded. "I'm gonna change the bedsheets, don't want mum thinking we shagged." Draco said. "but we shagged." Harry replied. "yeah but remember we're stepbrothers." Draco said. Harry chuckled. "just place a charm over it." Harry said. "as if you know one, they are household spells." Draco said. "I do, Remus learns me a lot of household spells." Harry waved his wand and they climbed under the cover. "you're telling this to no one okay? Not to your dad, not to your godfather, to no one." Draco said. "yes daddy." Harry said. "shut up." Draco said and closed his eyes. "was this once in a lifetime?" Harry asked. Draco acted like he was asleep. "okay, I'll shut up, I love you." Harry kissed Draco's cheek and he turned around. Draco blushed deeply.

"oh you're going?" Draco asked. "it's Sunday." Harry replied. "okay, see you next week." Draco said. "bye, weirdo." Harry said and picked up his suitcase and walked out of the door. "why didn't he sleep in his own bed last night?" Draco's mother walked in. "we were talking about school, you know how he's fed up being a muggle and me as a wizard, but we're both wizards." Draco replied. "so?" his mother asked. "then he started crying because he's too weak to go to a school like Hogwarts, and I comforted him and he fell asleep." Draco replied. His mother nodded. "are you hungry?" she asked. Draco shook his head.

"oh hi Harry, didn't know you would arrive this soon." Sirius said. "need to study a lot and I can't study with mom." He replied. "need help with it?" Remus asked. "no it's okay." Harry said and he walked upstairs. Teddy stood in front of the door of Harry's room. "password." Teddy said. Harry smiled. "I don't know, can I bribe you with a hug?" Harry asked. "no, I need a password." He said. Harry shrugged. "do you want a candy?" Harry asked. "Harry no candy for Teddy!" Sirius called. "come inside my room." Harry said and they walked inside. "here." Harry handed a candy to Teddy. He started eating it. "where is uncle Prongs?" Harry asked. "work." Teddy said. Harry nodded and grabbed his books. "why you learning?" he asked. "because I have a test." Harry replied. Teddy chuckled. "bye uncle Harry." he said and walked away. Harry chuckled and started learning. Thinking about the five year old.

Draco sat on Harry's bed. "hi." He said. "hello Malfoy." Harry looked up. "how was this week with your father?" he asked. "why are you interested?" Harry asked. "just asking." Draco said. "yeah it was fine, Teddy is a bit hectic, failed my test, but for the rest everything was fine." Harry replied. "need help with that?" Draco asked. "the test?" Harry asked. Draco nodded. "it's Dutch, you won't understand." Harry replied. "I speak it fluently, it's a wizard thing Harry, ancient bloodlines like mine can speak over 7 chosen languages fluently." Draco replied. "oh which languages do you speak?" Harry asked. "French, Dutch, German, Italian, Mandrin, Japanese and Russian." Draco replied. "that's insane." Harry said. "so need help?" Draco asked. Harry shook his head. "I'm going to sleep, haven't slept good all week." Harry said. "it's so early Harry." Draco said. Harry shrugged. "who is teddy?" Draco asked. "his actual name is Edward, he's the son of Sirius." Harry replied. "oh okay I see, what would you name your children?" Draco asked. "I'm too young to think about that." Harry replied and climbed under the covers. "yeah, too young. Should we tell our moms about what we have going on?" Draco asked. "maybe later, now is not the time." Harry replied. "okay." Draco said. "what's going on?" Harry asked. "nothing." Draco replied. "there surely is something wrong." Harry said. "okay, so you know three months ago we shagged?" Draco asked. "we do every Sunday we see each other?" Harry replied. "so we do it protected, always with my charms." Draco said. "I'm not pregnant Draco, I'm too muggle do be so." Harry said. "no because I am." Draco said. Harry sat up and looked Draco in the eye. Draco looked away. "three months?" Harry asked. "yes, it's a little bit visible now, but you know I found it really quick, but I just didn't dare to tell you." Draco said. Harry looked down. "I've never noticed it, I am a bad person." Harry said. "it's not your fault." Draco replied. "yeah sure it's not my fault but what should we do now?" Harry asked. "I mean the healer told me I'm strong enough to keep them." Draco said. "okay great, but?" Harry asked. "if you don't want it we can put it to adoption or abortion." Draco said. "are you crazy? I'm going to be the first wizard in history to be so muggle like and still have a child with a man, I'm going to write history." Harry said. Draco chuckled. "and I wouldn't want to give you the pain to go through all of this for nothing." Harry replied. "you're the best." Draco said. "thanks." Harry said. "but we'll keep it a secret for as long as possible, just you know tell your mom you shagged someone, not me." Harry said. Draco nodded. "I was thinking the same." Draco said and kissed Harry's lips. "so Er we do this now?" Draco asked. "you're so awkward, I'm going to have a child with you!" Harry said. Draco blushed. "hope they look like you." Harry said. Draco smiled. "so wanna do something more fun?" Draco asked. "what?" Harry asked. "go down to grab a snack, watch a movie, or go for a walk, my mother isn't home." Draco said. "okay, I think my mom is." Harry said. "doesn't matter." Draco gripped Harry's hand and they walked downstairs. "oh hi Harry, thought you were sleeping?" Lily asked. "nope I was woken by the power of Malfoy." Harry said. she chuckled. "when is dinner ready?" Harry asked. "almost, how was it with your dad?" Lily asked. "oh good." Harry said. she nodded. "how was your test?" she asked. "good." Harry smiled. she nodded. "Draco Hogwarts sent a letter, about concerns of your absence in class?" she asked. "yeah, I'm ill a lot lately." Draco replied. "maybe we should go to a healer?" she asked. "no thanks, it's fine." Draco said.

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