stutter problem

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This is again a teacher x student. Draco is the teacher he's 26 and Harry is 18 he did his last year over again and has a stutter problem.

Draco entered the classroom and saw a number of students. He smiled and sat down. "hello." he said and opened a list. "if I call your name just raise your hand." Draco said and started calling everyone's name and when he was done with the list he stood back up. "we'll start off with a brief introduction, I'll start, I'm Draco Malfoy I'm 26 and I teach French English and Italian, I live not far from school. I'm single and have a dog." Draco said, he looked at a student named Harry. who shook his head. "I'll start off with you." Draco said. "I-I-I" he quit talking. "he has a stutter problem sir, he hates talking." The girl text to him spoke up. "oh that's alright." Draco said. "his name is Harry Potter, he's eighteen did his last year again and he lives not far from school, he's single and doesn't have any animal." The girl said. Draco nodded. "and you?" Draco asked. "I'm Hermione Granger, I'm sixteen, skipped a class and I live two hours from school." She said.

After school was done Draco felt bad, because that boy named Harry Potter. He drove started his car and a street further he saw the boy. He stopped next to him. "hey where do live, can I give you a ride?" he asked. the boy nodded. Draco opened the car and Harry sat next to him. "I-I-I l-live here." Harry showed his phone with the address. "that's next to me, I only live there since today." Draco smiled and started driving again. "I've never met someone with a stutter problem, is there a cause of that?" Draco asked. Harry looked at him. "stress." Draco nodded. "did you have it all your life?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "is there any way to stop it?" Draco asked. "comfort." Harry said. "as in a person?" Draco asked. he nodded. "like your parents?" Draco asked. "t-they're dead." Harry said. "sorry for bringing that up, who do you live with?" Draco asked. "r-relatives." Harry replied. "do find comfort in them?" Draco asked. Harry shook his head. "why?" Harry rolled up his sleeve and bruises appeared. "they abuse you?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "do you tell anyone that?" Draco asked. harry shook his head. "i-it'll b-be w-w-w-w-worse." Harry said. "no need to feel stress around me, really. do you want help?" Harry nodded. "can you go anywhere else, grandparents, friends, other relatives?" Draco asked. harry shook his head. Draco stopped the car in front of his house. "want to come in?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. They walked inside and a golden retriever ran towards Harry. "Stas no." Draco pointed his finger at the dog. and she ran off. "sorry for that, she's just excited to have visitors in her new house." Harry smiled. "are you hungry?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. Draco took his hand and they walked towards the kitchen. "do you like pancakes, it's the only thing I have right now." Draco said. Harry nodded. "good." He said and put one in the microwave. "the house is a bit empty still, but I'll work on it, do you need help with homework?" Draco asked. "I don't have it." he said. "good." Draco said. Stas walked into the kitchen. Harry smiled and Stas started sniffing his hand. After a minute the pushed her head against his hand. "she likes you." Draco put the plate in front of Harry. "enjoy." Draco said.

"I should go." Harry said as he finished his plate. "are you sure?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "you can stay if you want." Draco said. he opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind. "I feel good here." He said. Draco smiled. "that's good, if you want you can stay as long as you want." Draco said. Harry nodded. "wanna watch a movie since you don't have any homework?" Draco asked. Harry nodded and they walked towards the couch.

In the middle of the movie Draco heard sobs that didn't belong to the movie. Draco turned his head towards Harry and he was crying. He paused the movie. "are you okay?" Draco asked. Harry dried his tears. "come here." Draco opened his arms and Harry climbed in them and sobbed. "I-i-i-i-I never cry." His voice sounded. "but you're allowed to." Draco said and kissed Harry's temple, he knew that as a teacher it was bad to do that, but Harry needed the comfort. "what's wrong?" Draco asked. he shrugged. "are you tired?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "I have a spare bedroom if you want." Draco replied. He nodded.

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