to my dearest fucking prince

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Harry looked at his mother who was staring down from the balcony towards the public and she was waving, next to his father. After a few minutes they went inside. "mother I have to tell you something." Harry said. "later love." She said and walked with his father away. Harry sighed and went to his bedroom and opened his phone, he had a message from his boyfriend. Harry smiled and looked at it.

Told them yet?

Harry sighed, having to disappoint his boyfriend again. he didn't want to lie, so he was honest.

No, I tried, she just said 'later love'

Draco didn't reply on that and Harry got a call. "I miss you." he whispered. "I know, but I can't just go to France for the fun." Harry replied. Draco chuckled. "why were you even France when we met?" he asked. "talking to the president I think." Harry answered. "Draco qui-est ce il ya?" a woman voice sounded. "c'est mon petit-ami." Draco replied. Harry chuckled. "am I your tiny friend?" Harry asked. "it means boyfriend. difficult to explain, but I have to go, my sister wants to play hide and seek with me." Draco said. "oh that sounds nice." Harry said. "yeah, tonight?" Draco asked. Harry hummed and they broke the phone call. The door opened and his mother entered. "love you wanted to talk to me?" she asked. "yeah, we went to France a few weeks ago remember?" Harry asked. "of course I do." She said. "I met somebody there." Harry said. "that's nice Harry, what does she look like?" his mother asked. "his name is Draco Malfoy." Harry said. "it's a man?" she asked. Harry nodded. "okay." She said. "we started dating." Harry said. "like actually?" she asked. Harry nodded. "okay." She said. "so I was wondering, he doesn't have school this week, can I go over?" Harry asked. "love, that's a for travel." She said. "I know." Harry said. "can't he come over here?" she asked. "his parents aren't like us." Harry said. "what do you mean?" she asked. "his father is a drunk and abuses him and his sister, and his mother doesn't have a job." Harry said. she nodded. "you can go over." She said. "thanks mom." Harry said and stood up. "not right now." She said. "I kind of called our pilot already." Harry replied. She nodded. "okay." Harry picked up his suitcase and started filling it up. "see you mother." Harry said and kissed his mother's cheek. "I'll tell your father." She said. Harry nodded and walked away.

Draco woke up from the doorbell at three am. He sighed, it would definitely be his father. He went to open the door, to his surprise his boyfriend smiled at him. "what are you doing here?" Draco asked. "got a quick flight and told my mom." Harry said. "come in." Draco said and closed the door. he looked at Harry and hugged him tightly. "how long can you stay?" Draco asked. "until they need me again." Harry replied. Draco chuckled. "let's go to my room." Draco said and took him upstairs. He opened the door and a little girl was lying in a bed and next to that another empty bed stood in the dark room. "you share a room with her?" Harry asked. "I do, be quiet she's not easily to sooth asleep." Draco said and he walked over towards his bed. "can she speak English?" Harry asked. "fluently, we fed her up with two languages." Draco replied. "oh." Harry said and removed his sweater. "I'm going to put me pajama's on." Harry said. "you can do that here." Draco said and lied down on his bed. Harry nodded.

They didn't sleep that night, they whispered every story that had happened in those months and kept looking over at the little girl. "who's that?" Charlie asked. "my boyfriend Charlie, but don't tell dad." Draco said. Charlie nodded and stood up and put on the light, her eyes fell on Harry and her mouth fell open. "you're Harry Potter." She said. "I am." Harry smiled. "oh my god, are you dating my brother?" she asked. "I am." Harry replied. "that's cool." She said. Harry smiled and sat up. "did we wake you?" Harry asked. "no." she said and sat on Draco's bed and looked at her older brother. "can you read for me?" she asked. "we're done in our book." Draco said. she looked down. "mom said she would buy a new one." she said. "mom had to choose between food for us or a book." Draco said. "what book do you want?" Harry asked. "I don't know, mom takes us to the bookstore and we choose one." she said. Harry nodded. "how this, I take you two to the bookstore today." Harry said. "no Harry we can't ask that from you." Draco said. "okay, then I'm going alone and I hope I buy the right present." Harry said. Draco smiled. "okay?" Harry asked. "we'll go with you." Draco said. Harry smiled. "let's go now." Harry said and stood up and opened his suitcase.

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