epiligues pt. II

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Allow me to take your hand

"hello." Draco opened the door. "knocking would be very appreciated Mr. Malfoy." Harry didn't look up from his paper. "yeah whatever you say, found your dead man?" Draco asked. "I did." Harry glanced up. "yeah tell me?" Draco said. "my condolences." Harry said. "what?" Draco asked. "maybe you should sit down." Harry said. Draco sat on the chair in front of Harry's desk. "you see your father escaped Azkaban." Harry said. "yeah I know, I was searching for him with my team." Draco said. "he cursed all the objects and died, and well I'm sorry." Harry said. Draco looked down. "it's okay." Draco said and stood up. Harry looked at him. "can we meet up at yours?" Draco asked. "maybe you'd want to be with your mother?" Harry asked. "I'd rather be with you." Draco said. Harry nodded and looked at him. "want a hug?" Harry asked. "no because I'll cry then and I don't want to cry." Draco replied. Harry chuckled. "does my mother know already?" Draco asked. "no I was going to leave to tell her." Harry said. "can I come along? She might take it differently then me." Draco said. "sure." Harry said and he apparated them.

"is this your first time?" Draco asked. "nope." Harry replied. "it's mine what do you say?" Draco asked. Harry rang the doorbell. "what if elves open?" Draco asked. "then you just look at them, they'll know." Harry said. Draco nodded. "oh hello." Narcissa hugged her son. "Mrs. Malfoy can we come in?" Harry asked. "are you at work?" Narcissa looked at her son. "we are." Draco nodded. "okay come in, do you want some tea?" she asked. "no thank you." Harry said and they walked towards the sitting room. "what do you want?" she asked. "I don't want to ask you anything." Harry said. "okay what did you came here for?" she asked. "your husband-" Harry was cut off by a scoff. "the criminal I married to." She interrupted. Harry nodded. "is dead." Harry said. "okay that's all this shit about Jesus." She said. Harry glanced at Draco. "And has escaped Azkaban." He said. "luckily he didn't find me." She said. "mom I know you've killed him." Draco said. "it was for you." she said. Draco nodded.

I'm coming home

"Harry love what's up?" James asked. "I don't know." Harry said. "come on tell me?" James said. "I just wonder where you have been?" Harry asked. "it's hard to tell love, I've fought for my life a few times. Yet here I am, holding my son for the first time in years and I still know him as good as I did before." James said. "I don't want to be a soldier." Harry said. "and you don't have to, I'll never ask that from you. what do you wanna be?" James asked. "it's an expensive education." Harry replied. "hey Harry, I've fought for so long. I can pay you everything you want." James said. "I wanna be a lawyer." Harry said. "oh that's cool." James said. "but not what you wanted me to be." Harry looked down. "no love I just thought when you were little you wanted to be a doctor." James said. "I did, but you know I want to be a lawyer." Harry said. "and I'll help you study." James said. Harry smiled. "thanks dad." Harry said. "no problem Bambi." James said. the door opened, Regulus, Sirius, Remus and Draco stood in the doorway. "what are you guys doing here?" James asked. "hello, my best friend has been gone for years and the only thing he thinks of is his son. I feel slightly offended deer." Sirius said. James smiled and sat up. "come on here, little baby." James opened his arms for Sirius. "where's Lilith?" Harry asked. "playing with her auntie Marlene." Sirius said. Harry chuckled. "come upstairs." Draco said and they walked upstairs. "how are you?" Draco asked. "stressing for the email." Harry replied. "I'm sure you'll be accepted." Draco said. "you didn't have to worry about that, your dad's the owner." Harry said. Draco smiled. "I know and I still hate him for not accepting you when I asked him." Draco replied. Harry chuckled. "I wanted it to be fair." Harry said. Draco kissed Harry's nose. "when does it arrive?" Draco asked. "any minute now." Draco replied and looked at Harry. then Harry's phone chimed. Harry opened it, then looked up. Draco looked at him. "I'm accepted." Harry said. Draco yelled. The door opened. "what's going on?" Regulus asked. "he's accepted!" Draco yelled. "I'm so proud of you!" James hugged his son.

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