Highland pt. II

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Draco woke up the next morning and found Harry next to him on his phone. "good morning love." Draco said. Harry cringed and shifted in the bed. "are you okay?" Draco asked. "yeah." Harry said. "okay wanna have breakfast?" Draco asked. "no, I'm fine." Harry said. "okay, so again I'm sorry about yesterday, I should never have done anything that happened." Draco said. "it has happened now, nothing is going to change with the apologies, can you tell the staff I'm not feeling well?" Harry asked. "no, I can't because you're clearly hiding." Draco said. "I'm not." Harry replied. "why did I even ask you to be my boyfriend?" Draco asked and stood up, he went to the bathroom and clothed himself. "why did you say that?" Harry asked. "because you are clearly not over your ex, and I feel like I'm just there and not your boyfriend." Draco said. "it's not true, I just got news yesterday and it caught me off guard." Harry said. "you could've told me." Draco said. "okay you want to know, Brandon is left out of prison and is somehow here in Highland, in this hotel. I didn't know and I saw him yesterday." Harry said. "so you're hiding from him?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "okay, I'm here to protect you, I hope you know that." Draco said. Harry nodded and looked at him. "what's on the planning today?" Harry asked. "we're going to the beach." Draco said. "okay, that's nice." Harry said and came out of his bed and quickly put on his swim shorts and a t-shirt. "oh you have the same as mine." Draco said and looked at Harry's swim shorts. "I got them in the mail once." Harry replied. "same, it's from a company for advertisement." Draco said and they walked out of the room and Pansy and Blaise approached. "ah here we have the rich kids, with matching outfits." Blaise said. "shut up Blaise." Draco said. "was this planned?" Pansy asked. "we're both famous enough to get stuff in the mail for advertisement." Draco replied and they walked towards the rest of the group. "ah there are the four missing ones." Snape said and they walked towards the beach who was only 15 minutes from the hotel, when they arrived the teachers sat down on the beds and all the others went towards the coast line. "come on Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "oh I'd rather stay dry, thanks." Harry smiled. "boo." Ron booed. Draco rolled his eyes. "wanna sit with us?" he asked. "what do you mean?" Harry asked. "we're not little children who jump into water whenever they see one that deep enough to reach down to their knees." Draco replied. "oh yeah." Harry said and sat next to Draco. "I forgot my sunglasses." Harry said. Draco pulled a pair off his out of his bag. "thanks." Harry said and put them on his nose. "did you put on sunscreen, I don't want you to be red as a tomato by the end of today." Draco said. "oh thank for telling me." Harry said. "I'll help." Draco said.

"Draco stop being gay for one second." Pansy said and pushed Draco down onto the bed. "you're so annoying." Draco said combed his hair out of his face. Harry smiled chuckled and closed his eyes. "so what are we gonna do for lunch, we're free." Draco said. "oh that's great, what about that restaurant near the hotel?" Pansy asked. "great." Draco smiled. "yeah sounds good." Blaise said. "Harry?" Draco asked. "me too?" Harry asked. "obviously." Draco said. "oh okay, I thought I was going to do something with my friends, but they haven't asked me yet, so sounds great." Harry replied. "good, I'll pay today." Draco smiled. "just to impress your boyfriend who's 3 times more rich then you are." Blaise said. "I don't have access to the money yet." Harry said. "why?" Pansy asked. "my parents died in a tragic accident and their testament said if I wasn't eighteen yet, Sirius would get it and then he should pass it towards me, but he shares the money with me so I have money, but not everything I have rights on." Harry replied. "still you're richer then him." Pansy said. "that's not true, sine our companies actually are connected, we kind of have the same income." Harry replied.

They walked inside the restaurant, Harry somehow still manage to get sunburned and he was red. "hello." the waitress said. Draco nodded and opened the menu and asked something for the entire group. "so did you think about the question my father asked?" Draco asked. "no I'm not doing it, I'm not good enough to stand in front of the camera, I'll stay rather behind it." Harry replied. "Harry you're beautiful." Draco said. "I'm not, everyone tells me so." Harry said. "who's everyone against me, and my father, he told me you look great, that's a compliment, very hard to get." Draco said. "I think I'm just not good in front of the camera." Harry replied. Draco picked up his hands and Harry flinched on the movement. "sorry, I need the bathroom." Harry said and he stood up, a choice he better didn't make, in the bathroom he saw Brandon.

"hi Harry." Brandon said. "hi." Harry said and opened one of the doors. "where are you going?" Brandon asked. "the loo." Harry replied. "I missed you." he said. "I didn't." Harry set a step back. "why?" Brandon asked. "because you raped me." Harry answered. "I didn't, it was all a mistake, who's that boy?" Brandon asked and showed Harry's Instagram page. "my boyfriend." Harry answered. "since when?" Brandon asked. "I don't have to tell you if I don't want it, you're not even allowed to talk to me." Harry replied and looked down at Brandon's ankle. "I got it from you, never gonna take that away." Brandon said. "oh look my food is there." Harry said and turned around. "I don't think so." Brandon held a knife against Harry's arm. "I don't want you in my life, I made a mistake, I'm over the mistake now I just want to live with my boyfriend, far away from you." Harry said and walked away the knife hitting his skin lightly. Harry put on a smile when he sat down at the table. "right on time the food was getting cold." Blaise said. "what's that on your arm." Pansy asked. Harry wiped away the blood. "nothing." Harry said. "what happened?" Harry just shook his head wiping more blood away. "do you need a cloth?" Pansy asked. "I'm fine it stopped, it wasn't deep." Harry replied and put his fork in his food. "hey isn't that the rapist, from several years ago?" Pansy asked looking at someone in the bathroom. "do we need to go?" Draco asked. "no he's just following me." Harry replied. "we should go then." Draco said and stood up. "no." Harry said and tugged on Draco's sleeve. "are you sure?" Draco asked. Harry nodded and Draco sat back down. "you were that kid?" Blaise asked. "I was young and naïve, I hope Draco isn't the same." Harry replied. "I'm not, luckily that bastard traumatized you." Draco said and started eating. "did he do that to you?" Pansy looked at Harry's arm. "kind of." Harry replied and looked down.

Harry lied back down on his bed after an exhausting day and almost fell asleep when Draco decided to jump in the bed. "what?" Harry asked. "I need attention and affection and you need a shower." Draco said. "thanks for reminding me, I'll do it tomorrow. Now I'm tired." Harry said. Draco nodded and lied next to Harry and cuddled up with him. suddenly someone knocked at the door. "I'll go." Draco said and walked towards the door, he found Brandon. "hello." Draco said. "I'm sorry I thought I was at Harry's room, I saw him entering." Brandon said. "you should stop following him around, you are not allowed to talk to him, I'm going to call the police." Draco said and grabbed his phone. Brandon smacked the phone from his hand. "stop." He held out his knife. "you think I'm scared of that?" Draco asked. "I can easily end that modelling career of yours." He said. "as if I care." Draco said. "with what should I start, that pretty face of yours, or the tattoos?" he asked. "you can start off with leaving, and just leave this hotel, because one touch on this cute red button and the police is here in five minutes, afterwards you go to your room and learn how to leave minors alone and think about what you've done. You have three seconds." Draco said and quietly pushed the red button. "oops my finger slipped." Draco said and smirked.

An hour later somebody knocked on the door. "it's unlocked." Draco said, Harry slept peacefully in his arms. "hello, sorry to disturb you this late, but Brandon is in jail again." an officer entered. "that's great, it'll be a relief for harry." Draco replied. "are you a couple?" He asked. "we sure are, he was a little scared when he saw Brandon yesterday." Draco said. "okay luckily we were able to get him behind the bars before something really bad happened, is he badly injured?" he asked. "not really just a little bit scared, that's all but he'll be fine." Draco said. "are you together for a long time already?" he asked. "two days, but we're close." Draco said. "that's great I hope he's in good hands." The officer said. "he is, and always will." Draco said. the officer smiled and left.

part two! omg I'm exhausted, and screwed, badly. but anyways I hoped you liked it, please vote and comment and I'm hungry rn.  

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