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Harry went towards the Quidditch pitch to train with the team when he saw his boyfriend and team appear, Draco and Harry were secret boyfriends, so no-one knew even not their best friends. "back off, we asked Snape to play." Draco said. "we asked McGonagall." Harry said. Draco glared at Harry. "when did you ask her?" he asked. "last week, yes I am always prepared for this kind of things to happen." Harry answered. "for once you're prepared." Draco said. harry glared back at Draco. "what if we play after them Harry?" Ron asked. "no, we were first." Harry said. "fine." Draco turned around. "we'll play after them." Draco said and walked away with his team. "let's play." Harry said.

After an intense training session everyone walked towards the common room, except for Harry. he sat in the stands.

"what's he doing there?" Blaise asked. "I'll go and ask him, probably trying to see our techniques." Draco said and walked towards the stand where Harry was sitting. "what are you doing here?" Draco asked. "I always sit here, just looking around, calming down, reading or drawing." Harry answered. "really?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "okay." Draco said and looked at the pitch. "I've been thinking and I want to make it public." Draco said. "are you sure?" Harry asked. "I don't want to be cruel to you when my friends are around, it hurts me." Draco said. "okay, fine for me." Harry said. "you have goosebumps." Draco said. "I know, I'm cold. I just want to stay here to be alone." Harry said. "got the hint, where is your sweater?" Draco asked. "Ron took it with him." Harry answered. "of course you dumbass." Draco said and took off his own sweater. "but you're flying, aren't you going to catch cold?" Harry asked. "I've been locked in a freezer for an hour once." Draco said and he handed it to Harry. "see you after the training." Draco said and he mounted his broom again. "why did you just gave him your sweater?" Blaise asked. "he was cold." Draco answered. "so?" he asked. "I am his boyfriend and I don't want to see him freezing to death." Draco answered. "your boyfriend?" Blaise asked. Draco nodded proudly. "wait your boyfriend?" Blaise asked again. "you already asked that." Draco answered. "how?" he asked. "simple, we kiss and cuddle and whisper sweet nothings towards each other, it's obviously not that hard." Draco said. "no how?" Blaise asked. "we talked once and then it just happened." Draco answered. "why?" he asked. "²because we love each other." Draco said. "when?" Blaise asked. "during the summer after the war, we bumped into each other." Draco said. "why are you still rude to him?" Blaise asked. "first we didn't want to make it public, but we agreed to make it public." Draco said. "okay, makes sense." He said.

After the training Draco walked up the stands and saw Harry sitting with something covering his ears and he had his sketch book. Draco lifted the thing up and Harry looked at him. "what the fuck is that?" Draco asked. "it's a muggle thing to listen music." Harry answered. "okay, and what are you drawing?" Draco asked. Harry showed. "that's a scary realistic sketch of me." Draco said. "I know." Harry said and put his book away. "what music are you listening to?" Draco asked. harry put his headphones on Draco's ear. "it's awful." Draco said. "hope Sirius didn't hear that." Harry said. "is that the music he used to listen?" Draco asked. "Queen, David Bowie. That kind of music." Harry nodded. "so why do you like it?" he asked. "it makes me feel closer towards my dad and Sirius and Remus." Harry answered. "so you don't like it?" Draco asked. "I adore it." Harry said. "here." Harry handed Draco his sweater back. "thanks." Draco smiled and took it on. "let's go for dinner." Draco said and they walked together towards dinner when they entered the whole great hall looked at them. "great Blaise told the whole school." Draco sighed. "or maybe it's because we're holding hands or entering together." Harry said. "it's Blaise." Draco said and placed a kiss on Harry's cheek. "see you tomorrow." He said and left towards his table.

Harry sat down at his own. "Malfoy?" Hermione asked. "it's still Harry." Harry answered. "why Malfoy, why from all people on this planet you chose Malfoy?" Ron asked. "because I love Draco." Harry answered. "you love Malfoy?" Hermione asked. "yes." Harry said. "how?" she asked. "we talked." Harry answered. "but he's a death eater." Hermione said. "I told you we talked." Harry said. "he's going to kill you sooner or later." Ron said. "we're almost a year together and he's the sweetest guy I've ever met." Harry answered. "it's a trap." Hermione said. "if it was a trap why would he want to tell people we're together, if I was planning on killing someone, I wouldn't say we're together." Harry said and ate his dinner then he walked up to his dorm and looked on the marauder's map and saw Draco at his bed. Harry decided to go and kissed something in Parseltongue and walked inside with his invisibility cloak. he opened Draco's dorm door. "who's there?" Draco asked. Harry pushed his cloak off. "oh Harry, you always scare me with that thing." Draco sighed and walked over to him and gave him a kiss. "I am cold." Harry said. "okay?" Draco asked. "I forgot my sweater." Harry said. "smooth very smooth." Draco said and gave Harry one of his. "thank you." Harry said and kissed Draco. "you can keep this one." Draco said. Harry smiled. "what are you even doing here?" Draco asked. "waiting until curfew and then being too late so I have to sleep here." Harry said. "I must say that it's a great idea." Draco chuckled and lied down on his bed, Harry crawled next to him and cuddled up with him. "I love you" 

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