second chance

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"Scorp you should see this." Albus said. "what?" Scorpius walked over to Albus. "it's from your dad, I found it under the floorboard." Albus said. "what does it say?" Albus opened the book and read the first page.

Dear future finder
I guess nobody will know, but this is how me and Potter became Draco and Harry in secret.

Albus looked up at Scorpius. "our dads dated?" Scorpius asked. "I think so." Albus said. "read the second page." Scorpius said. "what if it's all the dirty stuff?" Albus asked. "just imagine it's us." Scorpius grinned. Albus smiled.

Potter never liked me, or yeah I thought that until this year, it's only the first week of term, but I'm already loosing my mind. I know the dark Lord will be returning this year, my father and Wormtail are making sure of that. but Potter looks better than ever. The Triwizard tournament is this year. Father wanted me to compete, but we can't. I'm lucky to have mom, and thinking about Harry makes me happy. Today I was in Myrtle's bathroom and Harry walked in. "oh" was what he said. no insult nothing. I turned around my wand was raised, it was a flinch reaction I got from home. "hey I'm not here to hurt you." Harry had said. it made me smile and I lowered my wand. Never in my life had Harry looked at me with a smile, except in the robe shop. "what are you doing here?" I had asked, Harry could've asked the same, but he said "I came here to talk about something." He just walked towards me and we kissed. WE FREAKING KISSED!!! I was so excited and when we met eyes I joked. "is this how you usually talk?" but he was already gone. I felt sad, but now I think about it, I'm happy.

"that's so cute, in what year was this?" Scorpius asked. "fourth, dad competed in the tournament." Albus said. "maybe we should read more, or confront them with it?" Scorpius said. "let's read more, over Christmas we can get them together." Albus said. Scorpius nodded.

Harry talked to me today, he didn't say anything, last week was like something started a fire within me, and I'm pretty sure it was Harry, or my teenage hormones. Harry was alone, I think he feels kinda alone. "hey Potter." I said, it was a stupid introduction and Harry was attempting to run, but I caught his wrist. He looked at me. "if that was how you usually talked, I mean we can talk more." I. Harry his cheeks were flaming red. Ever redder then Weasel's hair. "sorry that was a bad joke." I said. "it's fine, I didn't think you would like me." Harry his voice was so cute! "yeah I do for a long time." It was the first time I told anyone about me feelings, it felt good. "yeah I should go now, we can talk in the empty greenhouse after classes." Harry said. "I hope you mean actually talking and not shagging." I said, it was a bad move from me. "I mean if that's an invite." Harry joked back. "no, we're too young for this." I totally freaked out. "yeah, see you then after class." Harry walked away. I mean after class he wasn't there left a note, told me he's sorry, but he forgot he had astronomy overnight.

"they're so awkward." Albus said. "I was the same." Scorpius said. Albus chuckled and kissed Scorpius's cheek. "but I love you for it." Albus said. Scorpius smiled. "we should head to bed, see you tomorrow." Albus said.

Draco huffed at the sight of Harry. "dad, we found something." Scorpius said. "what?" Draco asked. "this." Albus waved with the book, old and moldy. "so?" Draco said. "how me and Potter became Draco and Harry." Scorpius's eyes started twinkling. "how did you get that?" Draco snatched the book from albus's hands. "it was under the floorboard, you were kinda obsessed with dad." Albus said. "have you read it?" Draco asked. "we did, so now we know that you both are gay, we want to tell you that we're dating, so we'll celebrate Christmas together." Scorpius smirked. Harry's jaw dropped. "do you really hope your mother is wanting to spent Christmas with my ex?" Harry asked. "she doesn't have to come, but I mean yeah." Albus said. "and do you really think that I want to spend Christmas with him?" Draco asked. "come on, we're going." Harry said and took Albus's hand. "no I want to stay!" Albus said. "let the wards down." Harry looked at Draco, he waved with his wand and they disappeared in a crack. "how much have you read?" Draco asked. "three pages." Scorpius replied. Draco nodded. "you really liked him back then, why do you hate him so much now?" Scorpius asked. "Blacks and Potters aren't meant to be, you're already the third generation." Draco said. "who was before us?" Scorpius asked. "Regulus and James." Draco replied. "Regulus got a dark mark and James left him didn't he?" Scorpius asked. Draco nodded. "is that what happened to you?" Scorpius asked. "I should skip page 100." Draco handed the book back to Scorpius. "okay, I'm going to read it with Albus, can I call him?" Scorpius asked. "about that, I'm happy you found someone." Draco said. Scorpius smiled and walked away. Just then he saw Harry's head appearing. "ah the savior himself in my fireplace." Draco and sat next to it. "hi Draco, I didn't know you kept a diary about us." Harry said. "I did, never seen it since we broke up." Draco said. "it's kinda scary knowing our children will have a look in our past, through your ink." Harry said. "they had to know one time." Draco replied. It stayed quiet, but they were still with each other. "our love continues and this time there will be no mark to ruin it." Harry said. "as if it was only my fault you didn't let me speak." Draco said. "yeah I was kind of overwhelmed you, my boyfriend back then, were crying in the bathroom, my first thought was that someone died. I wanted to talk to you and then you showed me the mark. I was mad, I knew we wouldn't work out, so I broke it off." Harry said. "what if you didn't, would we still be together, like this?" Draco asked. "probably." Harry said. Draco chuckled. "can you imagine us running after our adopted children, being clingy like we were, and kissing a lot." Draco said. Harry got a smile on his face. "have you read the daily prophet yet?" Draco asked. "ugh it's all rubbish and gossip, what now?" Harry asked. "the aurors are making a calendar?" Draco asked. "was the idea, a nude one. but who would buy that?" Harry asked. "me." Draco said. "why?" Harry asked. "to wank off on your picture." Draco said. "oh my god, Draco Lucius Malfoy. I'm married and we both have children!" Harry said. Draco chuckled. "okay then you, Harry James Potter, shouldn't be so smoking hot!" Draco said and they both started laughing. "Draco you can't say that!" Harry said. "is Weaslette around?" Draco asked. "no, training at night." Harry said. "got lucky there." Draco said. "she would've murdered you." Harry said. "but what are you doing now for charity?" Draco asked. "don't know, I'm not participating." Harry said. "what you gonna do instead?" Draco asked. "don't know, the kids are at Hogwarts and Gin's going to be with Ron at the ministry thing so I'll be alone." Harry asked. "sounds to me as an invite." Draco said. "really?" Harry asked. "yeah." Draco replied. "okay, your place." Harry said.

A month later Draco opened the door for his affaire. "hello." Draco said. "hi." Harry said and he walked inside. "make it yourself home." Draco said. "okay." Harry said and he walked towards the living room. "but be quiet for the neighbors!" Draco said. "fine!" Harry called back and Draco heard the tv turning on. He took a deep breath and walked towards the living room. he sat on Harry's lap, but made sure he faced Harry. "I missed this." Harry said. "me too." Draco said. Harry wiped a strand of blond hair away. "are we really doing this? I mean our kids are dating." Harry said. "one time." Draco said. Harry nodded and kissed Draco, it felt like their first kiss again. Draco started undoing the buttons from Harry's shirt. "don't look at my chest please." Harry said against Draco's lips. "sure." Draco said and opened his jeans. "you first." Harry breathed. Draco nodded and started undoing his own clothes. He looked at Harry's thick cock he rode over two decades ago. "you like that don't you kitten?" Harry asked. Draco flushed. "I do." Draco said. Harry swapped their positions. Draco looked into Harry's eyes. "you're beautiful." Harry said and inserted two fingers at once in Draco's hole which caused a high moan. "can you suck your fingers?" Harry asked. Draco nodded and put his two fingers in his mouth. "good kitten." Harry said and placed a kiss Draco's belly. Draco moaned again when Harry hit his prostate. "I found it, again." Harry said. Draco nodded. His forehead sweaty. "okay pull out your fingers. Harry said. Draco nodded and obeyed. Harry put his hand around it and it transformed to lube. "I can still do it." Harry smirked and used Draco's hand to lube his dick. He removed his fingers and put them in Draco's mouth, which he happily sucked on. Harry inserted his dick and a moan was heard. "are you almost there?" Harry asked. Draco nodded. "good kitten, cum for me." Harry said. Draco moaned and the white substance left his cock. Harry wiped it away and ate all of it. "you're still so delicious! Wanna taste?" Harry asked. Draco nodded and pulled Harry's fingers out and kissed him. Harry came at the moment and everything went black.

Draco smiled when he had finally managed to get a knocked out Harry dressed. "I love you so much, without you life isn't complete, I hope you know that. I love you with everything I own and if our children weren't dating and if you would want to give me a second chance, I would want to be together with you again. forever." Draco said and kissed Harry's lips. "I love you too." He grinned. Draco became red. Harry got a smile. "dad!" the golden mirror flew next to Draco. "yeah Scorpius?" Draco asked. "you were right, me and Al weren't meant to be, we're soulmates, but in another way." Scorpius said. "why?" Draco asked. "I don't know, we found someone both at the same, we decided to stay friends." Scorpius said. "really?" Draco asked. "yeah right Al?" Scorpius said. "definitely, but we're still gay." Albus said. Draco smiled. "then I have to tell you something too." Draco said. "Malfoy shut up, wait." Harry threw the pillow from behind him. "okay never mind." Draco said. "is that dad?" Albus asked. "bye." Draco put away the mirror. "you want to continue this?" Draco asked. "yes." Harry said. "you seem sleepy, although you've been asleep for three hours already, so let's head to bed." Draco said. Harry smiled and let him be carried towards Draco's bedroom. "goodnight Harry." Draco said. "goodnight Kitten." Harry replied.

omg I forgot to see, but thank you so much for the 14k I'm not tired at all, *sarcasm* 

love you guys 


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