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Harry was absolutely exhausted on Christmas; he needed a break from everything, and he hoped he could have it. it was third year and Harry feared for Sirius Black to come and kill him. on Christmas day itself he woke up and walked towards breakfast, he saw peeves flying around holding mistletoes over people so they could kiss. Harry sighed and begged it wouldn't happen to him. he wanted to save his first kiss ever for someone special, a certain blonde Slytherin. He knew he doesn't have a chance with him, but he can keep dreaming. After breakfast he stood up to leave and walked in the corridor, he wanted to go back towards his dorm to get some more rest, but he bumped into a wall. "I think you need better glasses Potter." Draco his voice sounded; Harry sighed. "I don't give a fuck about what you think." Harry replied he turned around and saw Draco smirking at him. Harry rolled his eyes and went up to his dorm, he searched for the map he got from Fred and George a week ago and spoke the words. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." And Hogwarts appeared on the map, Harry looked where people were, since it was Christmas not everyone was at Hogwarts, his friends weren't there either. Harry spotter Draco on the map, he was in moaning Myrtle's bathroom. What was he doing there, no-one likes it down there. Harry spoke two words and map closed itself, he went down to Myrtle's bathroom and he saw Draco sitting on the floor. "I did it again, how do I stop!" Draco complained. "maybe you should talk to him, how am I supposed to know, I never had the chance to have a love life." Myrtle said. Harry walked inside and spotted. "what are you doing here?" Draco asked. "I can ask you the same." Harry answered. "Myrtle and I are friends." Draco answered. "me too." Harry said. "you only came in here to brew pollyjuice potion last year and to ask me how I died, oh and to open the chamber of secrets." Myrtle answered. Harry rolled his eyes. "what did you need pollyjuice potion for?" Draco asked. "to figure things out." Harry answered. Draco laughed. "what things?" he asked. "who the heir of Slytherin was." Harry answered. "what did you need the potion for?" Draco asked. "my secrets." Harry answered. Draco sighed. "of course." He said and stood up. "you're just coming in here to annoy me." He sighed and wanted to walk away, but then he bumped into nothing. "what's wrong?" Harry asked. "I can't get through." Draco answered, Harry walked up to him and experienced the same. "mistletoe!" Peeves his voice yelled. Harry groaned and sat down. "what?" Draco asked. "Peeves placed a mistletoe and now we're stuck here until we kiss." Harry answered. "of course." Draco sighed and sat down as far as possible from Harry, which wasn't that far. And they glared at each other for over an hour. Harry wanted to go to sleep, he was tired and hadn't have any sleep the past week. "if I go to sleep are you gonna kill me?" Harry asked. "depends if you snore or not." Draco said. Harry rolled his eyes and undid his sweater to make a pillow from it and lied his head on it and soon he fell asleep.

Draco picked up the book he had in his bag and started reading. Once in a while he looked up and he saw Harry shiver. He sighed and put his own sweater on Harry's body. He pulled another one from his bag and pulled it on. He looked at Harry, he seemed so peaceful in his dreams. Draco smiled how did he fall in love with this boy? He went on reading and heard Harry shifting a few hours later, when he sat up, he looked at Draco. "I guess this is yours." Harry said and handed the sweater back. "keep it, you've slept underneath it, I don't need it anymore." Draco said. "I have my own." Harry answered. "I know, I have my own too." Draco said glancing at the sweater he was wearing. And so the day went on, neither of them even talking about a kiss.

Harry sighed out of boredom. "what?" Draco asked. "can't we just kiss, so we can go to bed?" Harry asked. "no." Draco said and looked back at his book. "do you have anything else in that bag?" Harry asked. "my potions homework." Draco answered. "of course." Harry sighed and sat in a more comfortable position. "stop that." Draco said and pushed Harry's leg back. "can I read with you?" Harry asked. "no." Draco answered. "you're lucky I forgot my wand." Harry muttered. "didn't catch that." Draco said. "I said I would've killed you if I had my wand in here." Harry said. Draco grabbed his wand. "don't kill me with it." Draco said and he threw the wand at Harry. "thank I guess." Harry said and thought what he had to do with the wand. "expecto patronum." He muttered and a flash of silver light came out of the wand it didn't take a shape. "how do you do that?" Draco asked. "professor Lupin is teaching me." Harry answered. "of course you're his favorite." Draco said. "he was friends with my parents." Harry said. Draco looked up. "he was friends with my dad and Sirius and Peter and my mother, he must feel alone, you know my parents and Peter are dead and Sirius betrayed them." Harry said. Draco blinked at Harry. "professor Lupin says I look like my dad, but I have my mother's eyes." Harry looked down. "you actually have, don't ask why, but my mother has a picture of your mother and she really has your eyes." Draco looked down. "let's kiss, I'm tired and I feel like if we go on to this it's going to get uncomfortable." Draco said and he stood up. "yeah let's do that." Harry answered and he stood up to and they kissed. After a few seconds they separated and stared each other in the eyes. And another kiss followed that one was more passionate and filled with love. 

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