the water is fine

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Draco dipped his feet in the water and looked at his book. the sounds of mother nature made him not think of Potter for once. They had just gotten detention again. and Draco couldn't keep going like this or he would have to do an another year for his probation. They'd made him do muggle studies as punishment and they did a trip with the eight years. Dressed like muggles without a wand. He had to share a room with Potter also due to his probation. everything that happened was due this his probation. he sighed and shut his book. he stared over the lake. "aren't you cold?" a voice asked. Draco shook his head. "I'd rather freeze here to death than I'd go back to my room and Potter would be apologizing knowing he doesn't mean it." Draco didn't know who the person behind him was. "you seem a bit tense." The voice came closer and hands were placed on his shoulder and they gave him a massage. Draco smiled. he relaxed his shoulders. "you know that Harry actually is sorry." The voice said. Draco chuckled. "I don't know, do you know him?" Draco asked. "who doesn't." Draco chuckled. "fair point." Draco said. the massage stopped and the person sat next to him. "I'd like to call it a truce between us Draco." Draco was crimson red and he stood up. "Potter?" Draco asked. "look I'm really sorry." Harry said. "I don't wanna hear it!" Draco picked up his shoes and socks and went towards his shared room with Harry. everything was shared in the room, the bed, the bathroom. Everything! It very much annoyed Draco. he went to lock the door when Harry entered. "why won't you listen to me?" Harry asked. "because I feel guilty, I don't deserve to be looked at, and surely not by you! you hate me and it's always been like that. don't go pretending now!" Draco yelled at him. Harry started crying. "oh so now you cry! You don't have the right to cry! Your life is perfect, you have perfect friends! Perfect family! You saved the world! You're rich and you don't have a probation!" Draco yelled even louder. "do you think I like any of that?" Harry asked. "yeah why wouldn't you?" Draco said. "because my life isn't perfect, my friends use me from the very first moment, and my uncle and aunt abuse me. I saved the world under what cost? Sure I'm rich but money can't buy happiness." Harry said. Draco fell silent. "I'm gonna go now, pretend I didn't hear any of that and ignore you for the rest of my life, that's what I've always done." Draco went towards the door. "I wanna talk to you, like we're adults." Harry said. Draco at him. "there is nothing to say." Draco said. "there is!" Harry said. "why can't you just leave me alone, like you did all those years?" Draco asked. "because I don't want that, god I was waiting to tell you this at a moment it would be a bit more practical, but I love you Draco. and I don't know why. I don't know how. But I do know I can't get rid of the feeling." Harry said. Draco turned around and grabbed Harry's face and kissed his lips.

Harry looked over at Draco. "shut up." He said. "I didn't say anything." Harry defended himself. "now you did." Draco said. "can I cuddle?" Harry asked. "what do you not understand to shut up?" Draco asked. "are you embarrassed?" he asked. "no I'm not. I just don't really like physical touch." Draco said. "you'll like this I promise." Harry said. "no I won't!" Draco said. Harry chuckled and cuddled up with Draco. "I hate you." Draco said. "I love you too." Harry said and kissed Draco on the cheek.

Pansy bumped into Draco. "sorry I didn't see you." she said. Draco swallowed hard. "I understand it's hard to see anything with a pug face like that." Draco commented. She growled at him. "how dare you!" she yelled at him. Harry quietly walked past them. Draco shrugged and walked behind Harry in the tight little hallway. Ron and Hermione joined with Harry and they chatted away about the afternoon activity and Hermione's eyes trailed off to Harry's neck. "what's that?" she asked. "straightener." Harry replied. "your hair is everything except straight." She said. "my sexuality is too, does that mean I can't talk to girls?" Harry asked. Draco snorted. "what are you laughing with Malfoy?" Ron asked. "nothing." Draco replied. "so you tried to straighten your hair, horribly failed and hit your neck?" Hermione asked. "yes." Harry said. they walked into the restaurant. "can I join you guys?" Draco asked. "oh, we were gonna sit with Neville on a table, so there's no room." Ron said. "yeah that's fine." Draco smiled at them. "I'm sure there is enough space to put Draco." Harry smiled at him. Hermione frowned at him. "the table have very little space for five people." She said. "I'll take him on my lap and we can share the same plate." Harry replied. "indeed, I don't eat that much." Draco said. "and I have an eating disorder." Harry said. Draco frowned at Harry. "yeah, sure." Hermione said. they walked towards a table and Draco sat in Harry's lap and they shared a French toast. "so are you joining the activity Harry?" Ron asked. "no I'm not, it's my 'rest day' I need to have one of those from my therapist." Harry replied. "what are those?" Draco asked while he pushed a bit of the toast in Harry's mouth. "they're days where I don't go out anywhere stay in my room and read. They're really relaxing. I need to have them once a week." Harry replied. "oh that's the reason you never come to school on Monday?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "so I'll be in my bedroom making no noise and pretending I don't exist." Harry said. "I'm not taking part either, I don't like the canoe." Draco said. Harry smiled at him and they walked towards their bedroom.

Harry lied down on the bed. "I didn't know you had an eating disorder." Draco said. "yeah, I'd rather not talk about it." Harry said. "yeah that's fine." Draco said. Harry looked up at him. "I'm gonna shower." Draco said. "yeah go ahead." Harry said.

Draco sat outside with his feet in the water again. "hey." Harry said. "I thought you had to stay inside?" Draco asked. "I missed your presence." Harry said. Draco smiled the duckling who had fallen asleep next to him woke up by Harry's presence. "you have a new mate?" Harry asked. "yeah, I call him Roger." Draco said. Harry smiled. "how's the water?" Harry asked. "yeah it's fine." Draco said. Harry nodded and dipped his feet in the water.

hello I'm back. I'm gonna upload a new story, that is about drarry ofc and about scorbus. it's called this is family. 

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