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this is teacherxstudent Harry is the student and is 16 Draco is the teacher and he is 26!

"hey have you seen our new chemistry teacher?" Ron whispered. "no obviously I was ill last week." Harry replied. "too bad, he's great." Ron said. Harry chuckled. "you think every new teacher is great until you get your grades and then you are mad because they're bad." Harry replied. Ron chuckled and sat down in his seat in the back, dua to Harry's bad eyesight he had to sit in the front. Hermione came to sit next to him. "here." She said and passed him her notes she took last week. "hey I know you're failing for chem so can I help you after class?" she asked. "I don't have time, if you want to tutor someone you can ask Ron." Harry replied. "alight." She said and looked at the front and a young hot looking blond teacher entered. "hello class, we're going to continue where we left last week." The teacher said. "what's his name?" Harry whispered. Hermione shushed him and Harry just continued looking around not paying attention.

The sound of the bell was heard and everyone left, Harry had difficulties packing his stuff, he didn't want to go home, he just had to. "you're Harry potter right?" a voice sounded. Harry looked up and saw his professor. "I am." Harry said. "you were ill last week?" he asked. Harry nodded. "okay, I'm Draco Malfoy, I'm 26 and I teach chem, did you understand the lesson today?" he asked. "no, but it doesn't matter, I'm going to ask Hermione for help." Harry replied. "she might be a top student, but for this subjects her grades aren't perfect, so want help from me?" Draco asked. "I don't want the whole class to know." Harry said. "they don't have to know, just between us." Draco said. "okay." Harry said. "this Wednesday afternoon at my house?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "here is the address." Draco handed him a paper. "this is really far from my house." Harry replied. "an hour drive from school." Draco said. "I can't do this, it's too far." Harry said. "what about this, I pick you up after school we have lunch together, I tutor you and you go back home?" Draco said. "the bus doesn't go anywhere near my house and I don't want you to drive for two hours just for me." Harry said. "okay, then you spent night at mine." Draco said. "are you sure?" Harry asked. Draco nodded. "okay so see you Wednesday." Harry said. Draco nodded. Harry closed his backpack and left the classroom.

Harry took three deep breaths suddenly he felt Ron behind him. "what about the extra bag mate?" Ron asked. "I'm staying at a friend's house." Harry replied. "so you have time for them and not for us?" Ron asked. "it's not that, he is helping me with chem." Harry replied. "Hermione offered you Monday?" Ron asked. "yes but that friend offered me last month." Harry lied. "oh alright mate, bye." Ron said and walked away. "you're really shy, aren't you?" Draco his voice sounded. Harry nodded and looked down. "I hope that'll fade." Draco said and walked towards his way too expensive looking car. A Porshe to be exact. "you coming?" Draco asked. Harry nodded and stepped inside. Draco passed his phone towards Harry. "23112022" Draco said. "what?" Harry asked. "unlock." Draco ordered. Harry nodded and filled in the numbers. "are you sure?" Harry asked. "yes, I don't have any secrets, apart from the students their grades and the porn I watch." Draco said. harry looked at him. "I was joking." Draco said. harry nodded and looked at the screen. "search on google for something where we can lunch." Draco said. "oh I brought my own." Harry said. "don't mind, throw it away and get something with me, do you prefer anything?" Draco asked. "no, don't really do that." Harry replied. "what if I cook for you?" Draco asked. Harry looked down. "if you want that." Harry said. "of course, I like cooking." Draco said, his phone buzzed in Harry's hand. "your mom texted you." Harry said. "what did she say?" Draco asked. "she asked if she had to come over this afternoon for tea?" Harry asked. "just ignore it." Draco said. "why?" Harry asked. "because I don't like her being over at my house." Draco replied and started driving, the entire hour it was quiet.

"Dray!" Pansy her voice sounded. Draco could sink through the ground from embarrassment. "why are you in my house?" Draco asked. "because we wanted to speak our best friend." Blaise approached from the kitchen. "Harry go towards the end of the hall and go through that room, it's my living room." Draco said and pushed Harry forward and waited until he was gone. "is that your boyfriend?" Pansy asked. "he's my student." Draco replied. "why is he here?" Blaise asked. "because he's failing for chem and I wanted to help him." Draco replied. "generous Draco Malfoy, I've never seen that, he's cute though." Blaise said. "I can't give my opinion in that." Draco said. "he is Draco, god if he wasn't a minor I would've done him and I'm a lesbian." She said. Draco rolled his eyes. "sure, can you leave me alone, come back tomorrow." Draco said. "okay." Pansy said and sighed. "hands of that minor." Blaise teased and walked away. He sighed and went towards the living room where Harry was standing awkwardly in front of the bookshelves. "you like reading?" Draco asked. "I do, but the only books I can read are school books." Harry replied and sat down. "you can sit down while I make us lunch and then we can order something for tonight." Harry nodded. "you can pick a book you'd like, but don't crack the spine, I'll crack your life." Draco said. Harry looked at the books and saw 'the problem with perfect' "I thought I was the only one who likes this book." Harry said. "I love it, I've read it multiple times." Draco said. Harry smiled. Draco walked away towards the kitchen and started making. Ceasar salad his favorite for lunch.

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