stutter problem ptII

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Draco turned on the tv after Harry went to bed and saw a missing poster of Harry. he was flabbergasted. "if you've seen this boy please call your local police force. Thank you." and the next episode of friends started playing. Draco picked up his phone and called the police. "hello how may I help you?" a friendly sounding woman sounded. "I just saw a missing person on tv?" Draco asked. "Harry Potter?" she asked. "yeah, he's with me. I didn't do anything to him. I'm his teacher and happen to live next to him. he has a stutter, and I asked what caused it, so he told me stress and anxiety. So I asked how he could help and he replied comfort, so I asked do you find comfort in your parents, he replied they died and lived with his relatives but they abuse him. I'm not kissing right now. So I asked him to come into my house for a snack. He told me he needed to go home so I said you can stay, and he told me he liked it in here. so we started watching a movie and he suddenly started crying and went to bed. So he's safe." Draco said. "okay what's your address, I'll send a team to check on him and if he's really abused by his relatives you should check him by a doctor, even school nurse." She said. Draco gave his address. "thank you sir." She said and hung up. Draco took a deep breath and waited ten minutes until his doorbell rang. He opened it and two cops stood in front of the door. "Draco Malfoy?" one of them asked. Draco nodded and let them in. "where is he?" the younger looking cop asked. "upstairs." He took them upstairs and opened a door where Harry was sleeping peacefully. "come downstairs." The older cop said. Draco walked with them downstairs. "you told about abuse on the phone?" he asked. "yeah I did, he told me that he was abused not how bed, but I saw his arms and his throat." Draco replied. "how bad do you think it is?" the cop asked. "they gave him a stutter." Draco replied. "sir, I know that you're young, but do you mind being his guardian?" the cop asked. "he's 18." Draco said. "oh no he isn't, he's documented as seventeen in our files." He said. "but he told me he's eighteen." Draco said. "his relatives always told him he's a year older, so he could live alone sooner." Draco's eyes widened. "so do you want it?" the older cop asked. Draco nodded. "take him to a doctor." The youngest one said. Draco nodded and Stas decided to jump onto one of the cops. "Stas down." Draco warned. Stas walked over to him. "thanks for the help." The younger one said and they walked out of the house. Draco picked up his phone again. "hey poppy." Draco said and sat down on the couch. "Draco why are you calling?" she asked. "sorry for being this late, do you know that boy at school with a stutter problem?" Draco asked. "of course I know Harry." she said. "you know about the therapy dog?" Draco asked. "of course." She said. "I think Harry might need it." Draco replied. "why?" she asked. "because he has the stutter because of abuse and anxiety I also need to let him check, but I'm not sure how he's gonna react." Draco said. "take him to a normal doctor first, and I can give him the dog." she said. "okay thanks." Draco hung up and ran his hand over his face, he put his phone in the charger and went to bed.

"good morning." Draco smiled brightly when he put some fruit in front of Harry. Harry bit his lip. "isn't that too much?" he asked. Draco looked at the food. "how many times a day did you eat?" Draco asked. "once." Harry replied. "was that at school?" Draco asked. he nodded. "and during breaks?" Draco asked. "the scraps." Harry replied. "Harry." Draco said. "I'm fine." Harry said. "I'm going to take you to a doctor today." Draco said. Harry shook his head. "y-y-you c-c-can't." he said. "Harry your relatives put you up as a missing person yesterday, do the cops came here and told me I'd be your legal guardian for the rest of the year." He said. Harry nodded. "come with me, I promise that it won't hurt." Draco said. "b-b-but y-y-you're g-gonna j-j-j-judge." He said. "on what? I'm not going to judge you. I promise." Draco walked closer to him and put some fruit on the fork. "but you eat this first." Draco lifted the fork towards his mouth. Harry took it in his mouth.

After an hour in the waiting room they were finally able to go in. "hello." the doctor said. he looked at Harry. he was shaking almost having a seizure. "hey it's going to be okay." Draco put his hand on Harry's arm. "we need a check for abuse." Draco said. "okay, boy come with me." The doctor took Harry towards the examination table.

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