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The end is nearing

Hahah jokes on you, I can do this for the rest of my life, this is just because we reached over the fifty chapters I'm doing this, I'm going to write an epilogue for every chapter I've written, because sometimes my mind thinks you could've added that in the third chapter. So let's listen to my mind and write from every existing chapter a beautiful epilogue. So also thank you soooooo much for the 10 k

We'll start off with the first one and that's cookies, that was the very first one so let's dig straight into it, only if I read it again.


Harry smiled and quietly ate the cookie. "Harry are you coming towards the gym with me or are you staying home?" Draco's voice sounded. "wait ten minutes." Harry said and walked upstairs and grabbed his bag and walked towards Draco. "that was fifteen." Draco said. Harry rolled his eyes and kissed Draco his cheek. He opened the door and a few reporters and fans were waiting outside, calling their names. "are the Weasleys coming over tonight?" Draco asked. Harry nodded and opened his car. "can't we apparate, did you forget that you hit somebody last time?" Draco asked. "good point." Harry said and grabbed Draco's hand and they apparated towards an apparition point and they walked hand in hand towards the gym. "oi!" Blaise walked towards Draco. "Potter." Blaise greeted Harry. although Harry and Draco had been together for one and a half decade none of the Slytherins called Harry 'Potter' and all the Gryffindors still called Draco 'Malfoy'. "Zabini." Harry said. "what are you doing here, I thought me and Draco were going." Blaise said. "I invited him." Draco said. "why can't he let go off you?" Blaise asked. harry sighed, Blaise and he weren't the best friends of each other, never have been. "I'm going, I need to do some work." Harry said and kissed Draco's cheek. "can't you stay?" Draco asked. "no it's I forgot, that I had to pick up Teddy from the train for the Christmas break and do some Christmas shopping." Harry said. "okay baby see you tonight." Draco said and kissed Harry's cheek. Harry gave him a smile and walked away.

"Harry." Teddy said. "yes?" Harry asked. "you were my age when Sirius Black died, right?" Teddy asked. "yeah why do you ask?" Harry asked. "because you know I don't understand mum and dad were gay right?" Teddy asked. "yes." Harry said. "but why did they have me?" Teddy asked. "I don't know, I honestly don't." Harry replied. "I am glad you're here for me." Teddy said and hugged Harry. "me too." Harry said. "where's Draco?" He asked. "he's with friends." Harry replied. "oh Blaise?" Teddy asked. Harry nodded. "he's such a dick, always." Teddy said. "colorful language you have there sweetie." Harry said. "sorry." Teddy said. Harry chuckled and they walked home.

"there are my two favorite boys!" Draco said handing Harry a cookie along the way revealing scars. "Edward boy can you go upstairs and put your stuff away?" Draco said. Teddy nodded and walked upstairs. "love from when is this?" Harry asked. "it's just the dark mark shows scars from the past, so when I feel sad it shows me the scars off decades ago, so they're from that one time you found me in the bathroom." Draco said. "okay, why are you sad?" Harry asked. "how you left the gym it hurt me." Draco said. Harry smiled. "it's alright, I'm happy now so that means you're happy too." Harry said. Draco nodded and kissed Harry on the cheek. "really happy." Draco said.


Harry grabbed Draco's wand from the ground. "you dropped this." Harry said. "thanks Potter." Draco said. "yeah, I should go now." Harry said and looked down. "Harry you should know something." Draco said. Harry looked up at him that kiss a few weeks ago had meant nothing, to neither of them. "yeah?" Harry asked. "you told me in the bathroom that professor Lupin must feel lonely." Draco said. Harry nodded. "Peter Pettigrew is alive, he killed those muggles and betrayed your parents, he framed Sirius, they're animagi, your dad Peter and Sirius, Sirius is my family and I know that stuff, because Regulus used to tell everything to my mother." Draco said. Harry nodded. "thanks this means everything to me." Harry said and hugged Draco. "I love you." Draco said. "me too, I love you so much." Harry whispered in Draco's ear.

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