you're famous

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Draco smiled when his screen lit up. "who's that?" his mother asked. "it's just a YouTube video mom." Draco replied. "is it from that singer?" Mae asked. "yeah." Draco replied. "I would like to go to one of his concerts." She said. "we don't have the money to pay for that." his mother said. "you've told us that plenty of times mom." Mae replied. "I'm going to bed, I have work tomorrow." Draco said and stood up. "can't you wait until your father is home?" Draco shook his head. "he's disappointed every time I see him, I'd rather not see him and surely not when he's drunk." Draco replied.

Draco watched the video very closely. He was talking about his next tour and that he and his boyfriend just broke up. Draco shut his phone when he did his outro and went to bed.

"Draco." his boss said. Draco nodded. "you know that one singer, Harry Potter?" he asked. "yeah I do." Draco replied. "he stays in the hotel for this week, and he only wanted one assistant from the hotel, so we've assigned you, the rest of the week you're only going to be with Potter." He said. "that's alright." Draco said. "good off you go, he resides in the top room." he said. "okay sir." Draco said and entered the elevator and went towards the top floor. "good morning, I will be your assistant for the rest of the week, I'm Draco Malfoy." Draco introduced himself. "good morning." Harry replied. Draco nodded. "I'm right outside the room if you need me, it's my job to just stand there, like some sort of bodyguard that's how it works here." Draco said. "what hours do you work?" he asked. "until you dismiss me for the day, don't worry if you let me work long, the money I get is always nice." Draco said. he nodded. "thanks for the information." Harry said. Draco nodded and turned around. "you can stay in, it's cold in the hallway." Harry said. "I cannot stay inside that's not proper." Draco said. "I invite you in, that's my request." Harry said. Draco nodded. "good, you can come and sit over here." Harry patted the bright red sofa that matched the Christmas decoration. Draco walked over to the sofa and sat down. "I'm Harry, bet you already knew." Harry said. Draco nodded. "are fan?" Harry asked. "I just listen the music, it's not like I would send you dm's and letters and stalk you around, my sister is fan though" Draco said. "do you have a sister?" Harry asked. "yeah, her name is Mae." Draco said. "I like that name, yours too." Harry said. Draco nodded. "did you ever come to one of my concerts?" Harry asked. "we don't have money for that, I work to keep our family stable, my mom is disabled and can't work, and my dad he is a drunk. I just can't get it over my heart to leave my mother and sister with my dad." Draco said. Harry nodded. "I understand." Harry said. "how is to be famous?" Draco asked. Harry smiled. "it's wonderful people admire you, people like you, but sometimes it's lonely, like I broke up with my boyfriend last week and the entire internet is making assumptions for why we broke up, people say I cheated on him, people say that he didn't want the fame." Harry said. "why did you break up?" Harry asked. "because he was cheating on me, he was too possessive, whenever someone called he immediately took the phone for me, to make sure I wasn't calling with other men." Harry said. "why?" Draco asked. "I don't know." Harry said.

The afternoon came in and they kept talking for hours. "I have to make some calls, I'll be right back." Harry said. "can I use the loo?" Draco asked. "why not." Harry smiled and walked towards the bedroom part of the suite. Draco went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

"brother you don't understand he's hot and nice and so adorable, but I don't know if he'd like me." Harry spoke through the phone James chuckled. "you only know him for how long? An hour, you hardly know him, you should talk to him more, maybe do something together." He said. "okay, I really need to go, I'm hungry." Harry said and hung up. He went back towards the sofa. "I'm really hungry." Harry said. "sure, what can I bring you?" Draco asked. "what do you like the most on the menu?" Harry asked. "the mac and cheese." Draco said. "okay that then, and bring some for yourself too." Harry said. "okay, I'll be back." Draco said and walked away. Harry sat down and put on the tv and skipped through the channels, until he found some romance film.

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