you said it twice

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This is not mainly Drarry but they're dating.

"come on Harry I really wanna meet your parents, you've seen mine multiple times." Draco said. "I know baby, but I'm not sure if they want to meet you." Harry said. "are they homophobic?" Draco asked. "no they're not, it's difficult to explain and no they don't hate you either. I need to go home. I'll call you and ask them if you can come over tomorrow okay?" Harry asked. "okay." Draco embraced him. "see you." Harry kissed his cheek and stepped inside his mother's car. "hi mom." Harry said. she smiled. "I have a boyfriend." Harry said. "I'm well aware of that sweetheart." She said. "he asked me to meet you." Harry said. "are you sure?" she asked. Harry nodded and fidgeted with his fingers. "have you told him?" she asked. Harry shook his head. "I don't know how." Harry replied. She nodded. they pulled up by their house and walked inside James and Regulus were sitting on the couch. "hi dad, hi dad." Harry hugged them. "hi baby prongs." James said. "hi baby." Regulus said and they hugged Harry. "how was school?" James asked. "good." Harry replied. "Harry wants to ask something." Lily walked in with a grin on her face. "what's it?" James asked. "my boyfriend wants to meet you." Harry said. Regulus smiled. "who is your boyfriend?" James crossed his arms over his chest. "indeed, you never told us." Lily said. "Draco Malfoy." Harry replied with a red face. "how long are you already dating?" Regulus asked. "tomorrow will be two years." Harry replied. "and we only now hear about his existence? Harry James Potter-Black how dare you?" Lily asked. Harry looked down. "in the beginning I didn't think it would be this serious and then I got so used to not talking about him at home that I never told, although whenever I went to his house I told you I was going out with my date." Harry said. "yes that was no name." James said. Harry rolled his eyes. "but can he come over?" harry asked. "sure, he can come over right now if you'd want." Regulus said. "so he can sleep over?" Harry asked. "only if you swear on your life to not do anything we wouldn't do when you could hear us." Lily said. "I'm going to get him." Harry smiled and walked out of the house and ran two blocks away and rang Draco's doorbell. "hi Harry, Draco didn't tell us you'd come?" Narcissa asked. "no I'm actually asking him towards my house, I didn't text him." Harry said. "he'll be happy I'll get him." she walked back inside the house and two minutes later Draco stood in front of Harry. "I'm happy to finally meet your fam." Draco said. Harry smiled and took his hand. "they can be overwhelming." Harry warned. Draco smiled. "ae you close with your family?" Draco asked. "really close." Harry replied

Harry unlocked the door. "hi mom, hi dad, hi dad!" Harry called. "you said hi dad twice." Draco said. Harry smiled and walked towards the living room. "I know." he replied and his parents greeted them. "that's my mother Lily, my dad Regulus and my other dad James." Harry said. "how?" Draco asked. "we're married." James said. "like the three of you?" Draco asked. "yes, we're a threesome and through sience our child had all three of our genes." Regulus said. "okay, sounds nice. I'm Draco." Draco said. they smiled all three. Harry and Draco sat in the love seat. And Draco stared at the three. Lily had her legs over Regulus and James's lap who were sitting next to each other. "what are we watching?" Harry asked. "some dating stuff, boring as hell but Lily likes it." James said. "I agree that it's boring." Regulus said. "what is for dinner?" Harry asked. "fish and chips." Lily said. "when is it ready?" James asked. "I'll start now." Lily said and she walked away. "finally." Regulus picked up the remote and switched to formula one. "nice we missed the start." James said sarcastically. Harry chuckled. "dad you can rewind it." Harry said. "that's not the same." Regulus said and they looked at the tv. "come upstairs." Harry said and took Draco's hand. They walked upstairs and sat down on Harry's bed. "you're quiet." Harry said. "why didn't you tell my they were in a triangle relationship?" Draco asked. Harry looked at him. "are you mad about that?" Harry asked. Draco shook his head. "it's weird of course, but you could've told me, I won't judge you know that." Draco said. Harry nodded. "I just didn't know how. It's so random to tell." Harry said. Draco nodded. "are you okay?" Harry asked. "I am." Draco said and he lied down. "so you have six grandparents?" Draco asked. "Christmas is loads of fun." Harry chuckled. Draco chuckled too. "our children will have five then." Draco said. Harry nodded. "is that the reason why your previous boyfriend broke up?" Draco asked. "not really, he was scared I'd be like y parents, but I'm not trust me. I love you and no one else." Harry said. "that's alright I love myself too." Draco said. Harry chuckled and kissed him. Harry lied on top of his boyfriend. "you're so small." Draco could wrap his entire body around Harry and it looked cute, they often fell asleep like that.

The door opened. "boys we already called you for dinner ten times." James said, he looked at the sleeping couple. He smiled. "never mind." He muttered and walked back downstairs. He walked into the dining area. "where are they?" Lily asked. "sleeping like two angels." James said. "they must have been tired after school." Regulus said and put his plate in the sink. "I'll do the dishes, can you put on that one movie we're definitely not going to watch with Harry?" Lily asked. "sure." Regulus said and they walked towards the living room and put fifty shades of gray and Regulus snuggles up with James. Lily came back from the kitchen after a few minutes with snacks and snuggled up with the boys.

Harry woke up feeling good. It was midnight, but he was hungry, so he left his room. checking if Draco was still asleep and he walked into the living room, he saw his parents watching that one movie he wasn't supposed to see, but already saw with Draco. "hi mom, hi dad, hi dad." Harry said. they paused the movie. "hi sweetie." Lily said. "no worries mom, I've seen the film before." Harry walked into the kitchen and grabbed a snack, he sat on the couch. "you had a nap?" Regulus asked. "I'm heading off to bed in a few, but I was hungry." Harry said. "how did Draco react?" James asked. "he's okay, needs time, but it'll be alright." Harry said. Lily smiled. "come over here." James patted his lap. Harry sat on his lap. "we love you." James said. "I know dad." Harry hugged him. "I'm happy you're together with someone who truly loves you." Regulus said. Harry smiled. "can we talk about grandchildren?" Lily asked. Harry nodded. "you're nineteen now, and I know you want to experiment with Draco, we do understand." James said. Harry nodded. "but you're a wizard, you can become pregnant so does Draco. so please be careful." Regulus said. "okay, but hypothetically if I get impregnated what would you do?" Harry asked. "love you forever. But you're young enjoy life." James said. "you were young too when you got me, didn't you enjoy life with me?" Harry teased. "we enjoyed life, and you were planned. But we couldn't go out as much as we did before and now we're old." James shrugged. "you're only forty." Harry said. "no my real age!" James joked Harry chuckled. "goodnight dad." He hugged James and repeated the process with his other parents. "good night." He said and walked upstairs he climbed back in bed and put the covers over him and Draco. "goodnight." Harry whispered and kissed Draco.

thanks for the 21k readersssss!!!!

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