muggle stripper

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"Ron I don't want to go out." Harry said. "we are." Ron said. "why?" Harry asked. "because you need a boyfriend." Ron said. "I don't" Harry said. "we'll see." Ron said and took Harry towards a strip club. "why this Ron?" Harry asked. "because there are single gays here." Ron answered and they walked inside. harry sighed and sat on a chair. he looked at a random guy who was stripping on some song. "hello there." A voice sounded a black haired boy stood in front of Harry. "hi." Harry choked out. "I'm off mate." Ron said and walked away. "are you here alone?" the boy asked. "yes." Harry said. "can I pleasure you with a lap dance?" he asked. Harry stared choked at the boy. "no." Harry said. the guy smiled and walked off. Harry sighed relieved and suddenly the stripper had changed into someone with a mask. Someone leaned over to Harry. "this one is the best, he always chooses someone to come with him." Harry didn't know who this random dude was and why he just talked to Harry. "you there, the boy with the glasses and green eyes." The stripper pointed towards Harry. he looked choked. "you've got to take this chance." The guy said. Harry slowly stood up and walked towards the stripper. "let's go somewhere more private." He whispered and they walked towards a room. "I'm a virgin." Harry said. the man chuckled. "no worries, I don't do stuff people don't want." He undid his mask and Harry saw Draco, his eyes widened. "I must say I was surprised to see you." Draco said. Harry was a deep shade of red. "so how's life going?" Draco asked as he sat down and put his normal clothes on. Harry didn't know how to answer. "how did your parents react to this?" Harry asked. "I don't have parents anymore, they didn't die but I don't see them as my parents anymore." Draco answered. Harry looked down. "it doesn't matter, you know how's your love life?" Draco asked. "loyal as a dog towards my right hand." Harry said. Draco chuckled. "this is the most original one I've ever heard." Draco said. Harry blushed. Draco walked towards Harry. "I can change that." he said. "I don't want to have sex." Harry answered. "I wasn't talking about that. Harry I love you." He said. Harry looked at Draco. "how can I be sure, you're a stripper who's been taking people in here." Harry said. "sexual frustration, that's what I call it, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't have cared about you being a virgin." Draco answered. "I'm not sure." Harry whispered. "you know what, I'll take you on a date, afterwards you can decide. You don't have to worry of breaking my heart." Draco said. Harry nodded. Draco took Harry's hand and they apparated. "where are we?" Harry asked. "Italy." Draco answered. "Italy?" Harry asked. "we sure are, do you wanna grab a pizza?" Draco asked. harry nodded and they walked towards a restaurant. "are you sure, this is not too much?" Harry asked. "everything for you pretty boy." Draco said and they walked inside.

After a long walk around Harry stopped suddenly. "what?" Draco asked. "if I say I love you, are you still going back to your job?" Harry asked. Draco chuckled lightly and handed Harry a sheet of paper. He looked at it. "so today was your last day?" Harry asked. "yep." Draco answered. "why didn't you tell me?" Harry asked. "I don't know, it kinda slipped away from my thoughts." Draco said and gave Harry a little smile. "I can still be your personal stripper." Draco winked. "I'm not searching for a sexual relationship." Harry answered. "then I'll give you more dates like this." Draco said. Harry smiled. "I'd like that." Harry smiled even more. "I'll drop you off at your house." Draco said. Harry nodded and they apparated. Harry rang the doorbell. "what are you doing?" Draco asked. "I live here with Ron and Hermione, I forgot my key." Harry answered quietly. The door opened a few moments after that and Ron broke in a grin. "hello." Ron said and then lied his eye on Draco. "Malfoy?" he asked. "the one and only." Draco grinned towards Ron. "I'll see you later Harry." Draco said and kissed Harry's cheek. "later." Harry said and turned back to Ron. "what was that?" he asked. Harry broke in a grin too, "one of the strippers was him and we did go on a date." Harry said and grinned at Draco. "and there are going to follow a lot more." Draco said and he kissed Harry's hand. "later prince." Draco said and he walked away.

"towards Italy?" Hermione asked. "yes." Harry answered. "and he did pay?" Ron asked. "everything." Harry answered. "sounds like you're in love." Ron said. "and what if I am, you were the one who said I needed a boyfriend." Harry answered.

The next day Harry was in town and saw Draco talking to a group of teens. Harry slowly walked towards him. "so next time you start stalking me please think." Draco turned around angrily. His look changed immediately. "hi." Draco said. "what was that about?" Harry asked. "I'll explain later." Draco said. "I wanted to ask if you-" Harry trailer ogg as he saw that Draco wasn't looking at him. "hey I know I'm short but that doesn't mean you can just look over me." Harry said. "I'm sorry, let's go to my house." Draco said and too his hand. Draco almost ran towards an empty alley and the apparated. "I'm sorry." Draco whispered and covered his eyes. "What are you doing?" Harry asked. "Do you trust me?" Draco asked. "of course." Harry said. "then don't ask questions I'll explain later." Draco started walking. "look there he is." Harry heard voices and Draco covered Harry's face with his hand even more.

When Harry heard multiple doors open and close he stopped covering Harry's face. "what was that?" Harry asked. "I don't know how you don't but I'm pretty famous and that were paparazzi and if they don't have your face, they don't have my boyfriend." Draco explained. "boyfriend?" Harry asked. "if you want to be my boyfriend." Draco whispered. "of course!" Harry said and hugged Draco. "and I don't care about them, I love you and if I have to kill someone so that we can be together I will." Harry said. Draco blushed. "I love you." Harry whispered. "I love you more." Draco said.

I am really surprised with the amount of readers I got in barely one day, I really wanted to update this morning, but I got really immense back pain, so I'm sorry, I was actually planning on updating more. 

just a question, does anyone else have huge back pains when they're on their period, because I threw up this morning because of the pain. 

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